Leaves dying fast..any help appreciated


Active Member
Hey y’all, we are in week 5 (day 34) of flower..and I am starting to see some weird stuff going on with two out of five of my ladies. Around the middle/low part of the plant the leaves are turning a yellow/brown/black, curling up, and dying. It started on the bottom leaves and has made its way to the top. I’m using dry organic amendments (down to earth 4-4-4(veg) and 4-8-4(flower))…potted with perlite and earth worm castings in FFHF in 5gal…they get watered with pH 6.5 tap water that’s been sitting out for at least 24hrs when pot is dry and light to pick up and calmag (1tsp/gal) every other watering. I just top dressed them a week ago with 4-8-4 (2tbsp/gal) and earthworm castings

I’ve never seen something like this because some leaves are fubar and others are completely normal so not entirely too sure what this is, any thoughts or love would be appreciated✌



Well-Known Member
Most of the leaves look fine just a lil healthy fall colors id just trim the brown ones off honestly I’ve had better smoke from plants like that than when they were 100% green


Well-Known Member
Most of the leaves look fine just a lil healthy fall colors id just trim the brown ones off honestly I’ve had better smoke from plants like that than when they were 100% green
He's not growing trees and there is no fall indoors.
Fall colors with weed is some BS hippy shit.
Was just about to say “fall colours”???

At 34 days of 12/12.

regardless plants can stay happy and healthy if you feed them correctly right to the end.

I say over fertilised as you can clearly see the “green” leaves are getting yellow tips.


Well-Known Member
That used to happen to my plants too. In the last grow I watered more and the middle didn't rot off. I must of been letting the plant dry-out too much.


Well-Known Member
Those plants are overfed because you've been putting too much fertilizer on them.

Both the 4-4-4 and 4-8-4 have calcium as does the FFOF soil. Then you're using calmag and tap water both of which are calcium sources.

Excess calcium can create nutrient antagonism which can lockout P, K, Mg, and other elements making them unavailable for the plants. You say that's not the case because of them being OG? That doesn't even make sense. The issue is your feeding practices. You've used too much fertilizer and an excess of calcium. You may not want to believe that but that's the source of your problem. From what I see in those photos all of your leaves are starting to show signs of issues.

Letting your water sit for 24 hours is a waste of time. The small amounts of chlorine in tap water will not hurt your plants. Also, most tap water contains chloramine which does not off-gas in 24 hours so you're not even accomplishing the purpose you set out to do by letting your water sit for 24 hours.
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Well-Known Member
He would've had to over done it, a lot a bit. with top dressing for that to happen. Lol
I was experimenting with the 4-4-4 and 4-8-4 this time too and have some burn. I added other stuff though. Like bokashi, Karanja, Langbeinite, and I think I added some bat guano. I'm kinda thinking it's something in the DTE stuff. I'm not too surprised. I figured I was pushing it.



Well-Known Member
I was experimenting with the 4-4-4 and 4-8-4 this time too and have some burn. I added other stuff though. Like bokashi, Karanja, Langbeinite, and I think I added some bat guano. I'm kinda thinking it's something in the DTE stuff. I'm not too surprised. I figured I was pushing it.

This was my first time using dte. Build a soil doesn't really have a dry amendment mix for bloom like craft blend, though craft blend would probably work fine. I just wanted to try something else,, but I'll stick with craft blend from here on out.