leaves falling off


im a 1st time grower just a bit conserned about my mj plant the bottom leaves are loooking unhealfty and a couple of the single leaves have fallen off i guess this isnt meant to happen. the leaves have black round the edge and like white rashes over the face of the plant any help would be great:joint::-?


Well-Known Member
pics? We always need pics.

Lower leafs will dry up and fall off eventually even on a perfectly healthy plant. How long has the plant been growing?
Has he/she shown sex yet? Are you in the flowering stage?


il get u sum pics on tuesday when i get a camra. i thing its still in veg stage it has four sets of the 5 finger leaves that all look healfy its just the leaves under them the 3 leave set and the 2 singles
have u got an idea of what the white an black is thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
as long as it's only the 3 and single leaves sets...I wouldn't worry.

Sounds strange but did you trying blowing on the leaves to see if that white/black stuff is dirt? Not trying to be a smartass. I've never had that kinda discolorations on my plants so ask around...


Active Member
hey im also getting this , my single set have dried and fallen off and my 3 finger set are starting to go that way, i think its normal, well thats what my friend says. every thing else seems healthy:D


Active Member
Usually the leaves start falling off in the later stages of the flowering phase. The begin to turn yellow as the plant "steals" the energy from the leaves and puts it into the buds. Then the yellow leaves usually fall off after a while.