Leaves folding is this normal? picture link included


Well-Known Member
The plant looks very healthy but the leaves are folding inwards please let me know what the problem is, if there is one.

ps. If anyone can teach me how to post a picture the correct way or knows a link on the website where it shows you feel free to post the link or pm me with info. I feel sketchy posting on foreign websites


that is exactly what is happening to me on all my plants. after reading the water stress sticky at the top i have come to the conclusion that it's probably an overzealous feeding regiment on my part or possibly a watering issue. i thought that overfeeding usually showed up as tip burn but apparently is shows up in many ways. just when you think you know kinda what your doing something happens and you realize you know nothing (at least i do). many people here are having your exact problem so keep looking and hopefully you'll find your answer.


Active Member
mine were doing that for two reasons it was to hot so they were to close to the light . and mine do that when the light is off until like an hour after i turn them on again they start pointing up