New Member
Hello All I have come here out of desperation! I am a new grower but not a complete newbie. it is just my first time with a big set up and I am sick of taking every one of my friends advice on growing and decided to just join a online community where I can tell others my problems and get feedback while also giving feed back and helping in what I can... sooo here is my step up conditions and what ive been trying to do to fix it...
Set up : Hydro bucket system...flood and drains..greentrees 45gal for 36 buckets...5 digital ballasts..all at 1000 watts right now , all the way to the ceiling ..which is like 7-7 1/2 feet...haven't moved them.. only turned up the wattage as I been going alone....
Food: using GH 3 part system ...following the chart using 1sp /g of each right now ..also using diamond nector 1.5ml/g ...florablend 1ml/g ..floralicious 1ml/g ...rapid start 1ml/g...calmag 2ml/g because I am using R.o water...also got protex 2ml/g and yes I am adding that first then calmag second and no I am not mixing any nutrients
my ph levels are at a steady 5.8 always ...every feeding it goes up to 6.0 and I use ph down to get it to 5.8..
I am using hydrorocks...I had them in the small Rockwool cubes and forgot to transfer to a 4 x4 cube before I put it in the rocks so they been in there since they were small so, I am watering more times a day because it was getting dry its watering at 5 times a day for 45 minutes.. 20 minutes to fill and it soaks for 25 then drains whole process takes about an hour
I have a carbon filter hooked up to a intake blowing out air hooked up do a dimmer at medium speed and a intake filter properly added on the wall used as a passive intake plants are about 4 weeks old and 1-1.5 feet talls my roots are white and strong coming out the bottom
I also have co2 at 1200ppm
my ph is 5.8 my ppms are 700 my temp is 70 F in water
soooo my problem!! my leaves are folding up like tacos, like their praying, etc... all my plants are doing the same thing I cant seem to find out whats wrong they seem to be growing fine but they are twisting and folding up reading it might be heat stress..i have recently turned down the ac in the room to 80-85 degrees and I think with the newly added 1000 watt it might be too hot only thing I can think of I have done new to the room
this is my first time posting so sorry if i wrote too much or too little
im doing some research on other posts to see more but please if I can get some input to help my babies it would really be helpful !
Set up : Hydro bucket system...flood and drains..greentrees 45gal for 36 buckets...5 digital ballasts..all at 1000 watts right now , all the way to the ceiling ..which is like 7-7 1/2 feet...haven't moved them.. only turned up the wattage as I been going alone....
Food: using GH 3 part system ...following the chart using 1sp /g of each right now ..also using diamond nector 1.5ml/g ...florablend 1ml/g ..floralicious 1ml/g ...rapid start 1ml/g...calmag 2ml/g because I am using R.o water...also got protex 2ml/g and yes I am adding that first then calmag second and no I am not mixing any nutrients
my ph levels are at a steady 5.8 always ...every feeding it goes up to 6.0 and I use ph down to get it to 5.8..
I am using hydrorocks...I had them in the small Rockwool cubes and forgot to transfer to a 4 x4 cube before I put it in the rocks so they been in there since they were small so, I am watering more times a day because it was getting dry its watering at 5 times a day for 45 minutes.. 20 minutes to fill and it soaks for 25 then drains whole process takes about an hour
I have a carbon filter hooked up to a intake blowing out air hooked up do a dimmer at medium speed and a intake filter properly added on the wall used as a passive intake plants are about 4 weeks old and 1-1.5 feet talls my roots are white and strong coming out the bottom
I also have co2 at 1200ppm
my ph is 5.8 my ppms are 700 my temp is 70 F in water
soooo my problem!! my leaves are folding up like tacos, like their praying, etc... all my plants are doing the same thing I cant seem to find out whats wrong they seem to be growing fine but they are twisting and folding up reading it might be heat stress..i have recently turned down the ac in the room to 80-85 degrees and I think with the newly added 1000 watt it might be too hot only thing I can think of I have done new to the room
this is my first time posting so sorry if i wrote too much or too little
im doing some research on other posts to see more but please if I can get some input to help my babies it would really be helpful !