Leaves folding upwards length wise


Active Member
Hi.I am afraid I may have my hps 250 too close to my plants, or just a general heat problem, but my leaves are folding upwards length wise. Can anyone tell me what's causing this? I have had my hps 250 oh, about 7 or 8 inches above with indirect air blowing around. My closet also get pretty hot during the hot part of the day, (Tennessee and around 100 here in the afternoons).

Thanks for any help


Well-Known Member
Definitely the heat, get some exhaust fans and try to get the temp below 90. Preferably 75-85 but if you keep it below 90 they shouldnt curl up. If you cant exhaust the room then try moving them a little further away. But the heat in the room is probably the real culprit.

4 finger

Active Member
Guitarantula, I read your post on the 250 hps and you sold me, ordering 1 today. I too have a heat issue (I'm in Texas). I'm doing a closet grow 2x6x8, I got 2, 2ft fluorescent and 2 150w cfl and the temp around 80-85. I'll be growing 3 or 4 plants. Do you recommend the 250 or 400 hps, and will my temp stay the same?
