Leaves getting shewed on?



This is my first indoor grow and its all going well, the plants are green and healthy and seem to be thriving. The only problem is that some holes and tears in some leaves have appeared and I don't know what could be causing it.

The leaves are not dry or burned but it looks like something have been shewing on them. Ive searched for bugs everywhere but I cant see anything. Ive looked close up with a magnifying class but there is nothing to be found.

Any ideas of what it could be?

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And also, some plants are growing much taller than others, is that ok or should they be controlled to keep more or less the same height?



Well-Known Member
Not sure what kind of bug it is. It is a good preventative idea to drench your soil with something that will interrupt the bugs life cycle. Mosquito dunks work well for fungus gnats and other soil dwelling insects. Drop one mosquito dunk in a 5 gallon bucket of water and let soak overnight, then thoroughly water the medium (assuming it is soil).

Some people will drench with a neem solution. Some will say neem doesn't work.

You can also look into azomax or other products that can be used as a foliar spray. Hopefully someone else will have a better idea what bug it might be.

Good Luck


Thanks for the quick reply! Yea the medium is soil. But are you sure its actually a bug causing it or could it just be something else?


Well-Known Member
After looking again especially at pic 2,3,and 5 it looks like it could just be a deformed leaf. Probably a genetic issue, I wouldn't worry about it if that is the case. It will likely grow out of it.


Well-Known Member
It could be a micro-nutrient issue as well. Maybe try adding some kelp or another product with trace minerals.


It's not genetic since two different strains exhibit the same issue. When I look through a scope I can see the vein's end is brown where it was bitten. I don't see any critters.


Yea I could say the exact same thing. Really looks like something took some juicy bites. It doesn't seem to get any worse still so I really don't know.

The plants are in flowering and buds are starting to form. Two different strains in the same space and they seem to be doing well, a bit dense but fine.

Maybe it's a bigger bug that moves around taking bites in different places and we're not able to spot it...