Leaves light green


I was hoping to get a read out on my plants they are so much lighter green than the guy I get the clones from.

Heres basically what they get

White Widow

Grow in Sunshine #4

I use sensi A/B 1/4 stregth.IMG_3798.jpgIMG_3793.jpgIMG_3799.jpg Last 2 waterings I went half strength 2ml/l and 1/ml of B-52. It is 780 PPM counting my Ro water at 165 PPM. PH 6.0

They grew under 400w T5, moved to 1000w MH to finish 2 weeks of veg. 18/6 lighting

I water once a week 6 cups per 5 gal pot at their current size

Thanks for any insight.


Well-Known Member
Sunshine mix no4 dosent contain nutes whatsoever if im right, possible your not feeding enough but also with those lights you didnt mention what centrifugal fan you got for ventilation.

Dont water once a week, water when the particular plant wants it. Peace


Active Member
I see interveinial chlorosis and streched nodes. Potassium. If it were nitrogen def due to overwatering it would show most on the lower leaves w/ complete leaf chlorosis not interveinial chlorosis. You should also grab a bottle of Adv Nute Micro because you using Sunshine #4.


Active Member
id say its a hole npk def....how much have u been feeding there is def a N and K def going on there the light green leafs and red stems is a N def


Its not soil its soiless, Peat moss, perlite, spagham , little lime. I was givng them 450 ppm of nutes but last 2 waterings I gave 750-800. I am just using the sensi A/B . So Im not sure if I should be adding something else or just bump up the nutes. I ph around 5.8 - 6.1 . They are supposed to go into flower next week and I am scared to send them into flower in this condition. The medium stays moist for so long its tough to be able to water more than once a week. I would just like some advice on the quickest way to get these guys dark and back on track to start flower



Well-Known Member
Its a shame the pots are holding so much water and not watering like twice a week although thats somthing you can adjust for the next grow.

Try bumping the nutes a little bit and see what the effects are plus deal with the slight overwatering, over a week in wet soil can be bad after some time so adding more nutes might just compound the problem. As the root system develops they will be able to drain the soiless medium quicker. Good luck


Ok thanks for the input. I will definatly add 40% perlite to this sunshine #4 if I continue using it and worm castings wouldn't hurt in this blend either. No matter what you read, doing it in person is a whole nother story :)