leaves looking up


Well-Known Member
my leaves arent burnt
they dont feel crisp
and they all look healthy

but they are sort of bending up in a way
like the sides are curiling up kinda

i think its because its hot in the grow box
like high 90 F
but i dunno, could it be the strain?


Well-Known Member
Can you get the temp lower? :mrgreen::peace:
i dont know
do you have any suggestions
i mean i have tried everything i could.
i connected a hose to the growbox and has it going outside for fresh air.
i open all the windows so the air isnt stuffy and hot.
and i put a fan in the room that the growbox is in


Well-Known Member
Pics would definitely help. But sounds like it's just a bit too warm for that strain. Either try to bring the temp down a few notches or try getting a more heat tolerant strain, I won't recommend any but most plants that are majority Sativa genetics tend to be fairly heat tolerant as they originally come from around the equator most the time.



Well-Known Member
you in flowering yet? they bend upwards at the end of flowering if thats the case its natural