leaves looking weird need help pics

Hi there.. this is my roadrunner auto about 70days.. 400hps 20/4 lights. temps 80ish low humi. the leaves inside this bushy grl all are drooping and look overwatered. but the soil is dry... any ideas also she has not flowered yet and shes 70+ days lower leaves are yellowing.. thanks for any input


looks like nutrient burn or a lock up from salts in the soil. I had the same problems with wrinkled leaves when using fox farm mix.. was using fox farm fertlizers too and found out no matter how little I used its still was to much. I get the wrinkles leaves and spot burn. I stop using ferlizers all together and the leave perked back up but once the damage is done to those leaves that got burned are more than likely going to stay till new growth comes on. Try flushing the soil with water it helps get rid of the salts in the soil and starts you out new again.