Leaves starting to wrinkle - white spots appearing


Hey guys, The problem is just starting to happen. I want to fix it before it gets worse obviously. I have looked at the Guide for diagnosing plant problems and Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First.

Comparing to the pictures It looks like it Could possibly be the start of heat burn or over fertilizing. I am using a lumigrow LED light though and heat is not an issue. For fertz I have been using grozyme
and Liquid karma, which is rated at .1-.1-.5. Very low doses as well so i dont think it is that.

It could be over watering. Since LED put off no heat, the water does not evaporate quickly and the soil does seem to be wet quite often. My fault for not thinking a head and putting some thing in the soil to flush better. pH Fluctuation could be another possible option. But i am using the same soil i have for years and never had the problem before.

Info to consider:
The plants are seedlings in Sunshine mix #4
in 1-2 gallon containers

There was a huge initial growth spurt at first and they stretched to tall. So i moved them from the starting cup into the 1-2 gal containers. From here they have not grown as much. I am assuming root development.
A negative of the room i am using is that it is sealed and fresh air may be an issue as well. I have a fan going on to circulate the air but their is no sorce for fresh air except when i open the door. The room is about 5x5 and 6 feet high, about 12 seedlings in the middle of the room. For now they are not short on space.

Most of the plants look healthy, this is a picture of the worse one and i can see 1 or 2 others plants starting this as well.

Any help would be great. Thanks



Well-Known Member
ure light needs 2 b smack on top of them 1-2 inches away . ive heard nothing good bout leds as of yet so u may want to add some 40 watt cfls 6500-5500k or 3000-2700k . stop overwatering those roots need air too, stick ure finger in bout half way if it feels dry -water , moist -wait . need 2 start a reg feed schedule at half strength :leaf:


Well-Known Member
i didnt realize they were seedlings, dont fert at half, more like a 1/8th to a 1/4 strength . definately keep those lights super close, put some wind on those girls to strengthen those stems. i didnt wanna sound like i was shitten on ure light ;-) just tryen 2 help :leaf:


Ha no worries on the lights man, I was skeptical at first to but after some research, lumi grow seem to be one of the best around right now. ill move the lights closer. try and find a good flush material to use in soil and hopefully that will fix any problems.


Well-Known Member
nothing does as well as fresh rainwater , so if its raining go put the trashcan under a overflowing gutter or whatever and catch as much as possible and give her a good drench . if no rain ro water or distilled :leaf: