Leaves turning light green then yellow?

I am not sure what is wrong with my Carmelicious plant, thinking it is some sort of deficiency but not 100% sure on which one. Has anyone else had this problem and know what to do?



Well-Known Member
I would have to say n dificency have a lady I fogot to feed who looked the same gave her some n and she is coming back..are you using nuts? If so what kind


Well-Known Member
flush the medium with twice the volume of water to the size of the container. (if using a 2 gallon container flush with 4 gallons of water) make sure the water you flush with is between ph 5.5 and 6.5. I add h202 solution to all my waterings and flushes. if it doesnt help, then you will at least be able to give it a better diagnosis and have a fresh palate to start with.