Leaves Turning Over?


Active Member
I am three weeks into my DWC grow, and one of my plants is starting to do something weird. The bottom leaves are turning over. Is this normal or something I need to worry about.



Active Member
Room temp has been about 89-91 and water temp has been 82-84 ph6.0 and 930ppm. It is the beginning of week 3 and I was going to change the water for the first time this weekend. There are 6 plants in a 30gallon res. with a dual output air pump and 2 10" airstones. Most of the other plants are doing great.


Well-Known Member
Heat is our enemy. Sounds like your room and rez are too warm.

I'd try to get the room temp down to no more than 84, lower your pH to 5.5 to 5.8 and adjust it as needed, and keep your reservoir water temp below 78 degrees at the highest.

How often are you topping off your rez? Do you adjust your pH after topping off? What's your initial ppm?

Individual plants have their own needs sometimes. Different strains react differently to temp, pH, ppm, etc.

Good luck.

Go Green...Grow.


Active Member
I kind of figured heat was the problem I have been leaving the closet door open during the day. that will correct the room temp problem. I started with a ppm of 800. I top it off every week, since I have such a big res. water hasn't dropped much. I correct the ph when I top off and monitor it daily. Keeping the water cool is a problem. Any suggestions? I was thinking of throwing some ice cubes in every day but I'm not sure if the cold ice will hurt the roots. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
freeze bottles of water. the cooler u can keep ur res the more heat she can take up top (to a certain extent) also if u add co2 u can keep ur temps some waht high


Active Member
Could I just throw a few pounds of dry ice into the closet and close the door. It would bring the temp down and release co2.


Well-Known Member
id say as there growing and requiring more light and energy,there starting to grow towards the big lights between the flouros bc they are throwing more energy than the flouros


Well-Known Member
I have been thinking of adding alot more CFLs. I could fit 12 over head. Would that be better than the tubes?
I run two 2ft. 4-bulb T5's with 4 of each of the 3000k & 6500k bulbs. Very low heat and high output; puts out 16,000 lumens. They're a little expensive too, but not as expensive as burning or heat stressing your plants every time.

I have a 400 MH/HPS conversion air cooled balast that still put out way too much heat in my grow area and burned all 5 of my prior attempts. I may put it back into use once I redesign my grow setup.

Yesterday I cut and trimmed my 1st completed grow. HAPPY!!!

Heat is our enemy.


Well-Known Member
I'm no pro but, I dont think its heat. One of my 10 plants did that too, and it was not heat related. I happened after the 1st time and 2nd time I fed my plants nutes. But only 1 plant did it. #5 who turned out to be male and has since got the axe. But like i said it only did that after the 1st two feedings 1/4 strength then 1/2 strength. And never did it again so I think it was the nutes. It looked JUST like yours too and it was about the same size at the time.
I'm using tubes with CFL's in the middle too, and so far so good. I'm almost to the point where I'm just going to have the tubes on the sides and all CFL's overhead.
Happy growing!!