leaves turning purple and necrosis! help! =(

hey guys, i have these 3 plants i've been vegging for a long time in my room. something seems to be wrong...

i use amazon bloom soil and general organics nutrients, along with great white micro, and some compost tea for veg/flower.

about 2 weeks ago my leaves started to turn purple (not a temp issue as my veg lights are on 24/7) now the leaves are starting to die. the strains are: Happy Kush (seeds from a new seedbank i got for free), Ace of Spaces (subcool) and a sour diesel cutting I got from where i live. please let me know if you have an idea about what might be the problem. i tried giving them some GO bloom food, but it didn't seem to help. photo(2).jpgphoto(5).jpgphoto(3).jpgphoto(4).jpg


Well-Known Member
Purpling generally indicates phosphorous lockout. If temps are not an issue, and seeing as the tips are starting to burn, I would say that you overdid it on the nutrients. If I'm just seeing things and the tips aren't actually crisping up then it might be a pH issue.

/e I didn't see the third picture - you have a significant deficiency as well; Still going with nute lock due to either pH or over fertilization.


Well-Known Member
I'd say a ph issue too, I know someones gonna talk shit but nitrogen defs can cause leaves to turn purple in some cases


Well-Known Member
Technical Information: Nitrogen regulates the cannabis plant's ability to make proteins essential for new protoplasm in the cells. Electrically charged nitrogen allows the plant to tie proteins, hormones, chlorophyll, vitamins, and enzymes together. Nitrogen is essential for the production of amino acids, enzymes, nucleic acids, and chlorophyll and alkaloids. This important nutrient is mainly responsible for leaf and stem growth, as well as overall size and vigour. Nitrogen is most active in young buds, shoots, and leaves. Ammonium is the most readily available form of nitrogen. Be careful using too much of this form; it can burn the plants. Nitrate -the nitrate form of nitrogen- is much slower to assimilate then ammonium. Hydroponic fertilizers use slower-acting nitrogen compound and mix it with ammonium.

Deficiency: Nitrogen is the most common nutrient deficiency. The symptoms include slow growth. Lower leaves cannot produce cholorophyll and become yellow between the veins while the veins remain green. Yellowing progresses through the entire leaf, eventually causing it die and drop off. Stems and the leaves' underside may turn reddish-purple, but this can also be a sign of a phosphorus deficiency. Nitrogen is very mobile and it dissipates into the environment quickly. It must be added regularly to sustain fast-growing gardens.
thanks for all the replys guys. so about 4 days ago i heavily flushed them because i was worried i overdid the nutes. what should i be doing now to insure a speedy recovery?