Leaves Turning Yellow?

the tips of my fan leaves are starting to turn yellow, which i've used as a good indication that they're almost ready. but now on the main colas the sugar leaves are turning yellow and breaking off at the tips. I'm not sure if it's because they're ready for harvest, or that this could be due to warm temp, as it's definately warmer in there than they prefer(upper 80's at times). i know its not nutrient burn, and ive given 1 full watering for flushing (usually do 2 before harvest). but i see a lot of pics on here (most plants which are not ready for harvest) that have no yellowing on the leaves. does this mean ive left them too long? or just that they are very close to harvest? i can't get a close look at trich's so im relying on the 9-14 week flower period of sannies killing fields (which are starting week 11). probably post pics if no-one can say without seeing them


New Member
I think this maybe typical as mine are doing it too on my Critical+ journal.

It's been such an awesome plant it was hard to believe they were burning, and I am on day 56 of a 53-56 day flower. I know that's the seed producers recommendation and sometimes they run bit longer like mine.

So... I think I am worrying about same thing you are and its probably because I never let mine run this long I always chopped early and this time I am letting it run.
yeah im thinking its just the plant as ive search other kf grows and seem similar results, just not as apparent. then i was thinking maybe bugs, but such low humidity and not being able to see them, im thinking its just the plant. ill post a picture tonight