Leaving halfway through cure?


So I have four girls nearly ready to harvest, one I'm chopping tomorrow morning. They've all progressed at different paces and I think my last girl will be ready in about two weeks. The problem I face is I'm leaving for Florida for a month on November 1st and I can't see bringing 4-8 ounces of weed in mason jars to burp every day, as getting pulled over with that much on me is just a disaster waiting to happen.

So if my calculations are correct my last girl would be chopped around the 20th, if I dried her for another week and stuck the buds in mason jars to cure I'd only be able to burp the jars for a couple of days before I leave for a month. That's nowhere near long enough to not have to worry about mold, right? What should I do? I tried to time my harvest with enough time to cure then go on my trip but as I said they all progressed at totally different rates.


Well-Known Member
dry it properly and there i no need to burp once it goes in the jar. i don't know what the atmosphere is like where you live but i wouldn't worry about mould in the jar


Well-Known Member
Chop'em on the 18th and let em hang dry right up until you leave. That would be about two weeks of hang dry time. It's not an ideal method for a slow dry but they should be okay to be jarred at that point and you really have no choice. I'd rather do it that way then risk mold. A lot of people who don't want to deal with burping just let'em hang for a couple weeks then jar'em.

Whatever you do If they're not ready for the jar don't jar'em. I'd rather see you just leave the buds out in the open air for the entire month than jar buds that aren't ready to be jarred. I found a bud on the floor of my grow area that must have been there for a few months and it was still pretty kind.

By the way, your avatar is really freaking me out! That lady's a trip.


You guys are the best, just bought the 8oz boveda 62% packs, that totally just saved my ass. The science behind these things are mega cool, I watched the YouTube video on it before purchasing, good stuff!

Also, lol Edgar, that's me. Why does it freak you out?


New Member
So I have four girls nearly ready to harvest, one I'm chopping tomorrow morning. They've all progressed at different paces and I think my last girl will be ready in about two weeks. The problem I face is I'm leaving for Florida for a month on November 1st and I can't see bringing 4-8 ounces of weed in mason jars to burp every day, as getting pulled over with that much on me is just a disaster waiting to happen.

So if my calculations are correct my last girl would be chopped around the 20th, if I dried her for another week and stuck the buds in mason jars to cure I'd only be able to burp the jars for a couple of days before I leave for a month. That's nowhere near long enough to not have to worry about mold, right? What should I do? I tried to time my harvest with enough time to cure then go on my trip but as I said they all progressed at totally different rates.
What I would do, if I was in your situation is hang all the plants up. Do not take off fan leaves, do not take off anything, no trimming. Hang the plants in a cooler environment to just slightly prolong the dry. Depending on the size of your plants they should be perfect to trim, and to jar up immediately when you get back, plus ready to sample.