LED 180w and 400w MH/HPS /advice?



I know that the cubes that I'm using are really big lol but besides that , do you guys have any advice for me?

I'm using a 180w LED and I also have a 400w MH/HPS waiting till they are bigger

The temperature inside the dome is 84 degrees day time and 80 degrees night time and the humidity is above 95%

When I water the cubes I count to 5 just with the bottom of the cubes touching the water that is 5.5 ph.

Budslingers Recirculating bubble Buckets

I'm growing jack horror and wonder woman xD.

Thank you




Hey man thx for your advice, I opened the dome and the humidity dropped to 75% and the temperature to 77 degrees, they were 24hrs under water with a 5.5 ph, is this a better condition? the seeds have not sprouted yet- they were 24hrs under water with a 5.5 ph, is this a better condition?


Well-Known Member
95% is perfect for new clones, seedlings and vegging plants like 60-80% and you want under 40% for flowering. You want really low RH during flowering to lessen the chance of bud rot.


Well-Known Member
yeah dude the humidity is ok for now but your gonna want to bring it down to 50-60% once your veging i didnt realize they havent even sprouted yet. my humidity is way to low right now i wish i could get mine up there. this time of year is really dry in my area


Hey guys thx for your help,

I have liquid karma and CNS17, do you think that I should start using them already? if so should I use 1/4 of the strength?
