LED/600w HPS Flood and Drain Cindy P19


I'm on day 3 of flower right now and I'm just now starting this so I'll post some older pictures. I started out with a 300w GrowPanel pro then switched it over to the 600w HPS for flower. Almost all of them have been topped besides a few that were behind. This is my first time trying it this way so well see what happens haha!.....Sorry the pictures are out of order but you can see what's going on.



Active Member
Awesome ! Looks like it'll be a bit tight to work . . . tight is right, more bud to light . . .(the Holiday Inn sure does funny stuff to ya)


So here are a few more pictures of my set up and how I'm doing things. What you cant see is up in my attic i have a muffler a 6 inch can fan connected a carbon filter.



Day 13

I removed a lot of the upper leaves to let the light to the lower buds. I also keep pinching my tops and the nodes seem to be stacking nicely, and by leaving the lower leaves on I'm hoping some of those stretch up. I switched over to hammerhead now so well see how that goes.... Here's a few pics from just now.....



Day 16
I've been taking off leaves as needed still. I just upped my ppms a little cause i think they can take it right now.....we will see soon ha. I think they are looking ok but some of the tops stretched a little and the lower branches on the ones that i topped later didn't really come up all the way. The ones in the center and the front row were the weakest ones and got topped later or some not topped at all, just pinched a lot.



Day 18
Man I've had a lot of shit going on in here the past few days... bugs, and mildew! Azamax, more defoliation and careful watching. Everything seems to under control now but only time will tell. I'm gonna have to spray for mildew still but getting up at 5:30 sometimes is hard to spray before my lights go out. The stupid thing is ive had a green light for like a year now but i haven't messed with it so this is what i have to do. Besides for that things look to be goin ok.. I still don't like the canopy is but oh well haha



Day 23
Bugs are suuuuch a pain in the ass! I saw some thrips when my water kicked on last week so the next day i ran some azamax and i was supposed to do it again 2 days ago but they seemed to be gone...... but last night nope i saw tiny ones, which a week ago it was so much worse. So i think after i flush them again with azamax tonight hey should be good. Besides for that things seem to be moving along pretty good.... sorry for the sideways pic.



Has anyone had their PPMs climb after Azamax? They just stopped drinking, last time i treated them they stopped for like a day but this time its been a few days and they don't seem to be taking up the nutes...... hmmm... but they are still growing while all this has been going on so I'm a bit confused. They look fine! but I'm a little worried.


just kidding........

