led bleach or calmg def?


started on the 25th: 2 plants bubbleponics grow with area 51(A51-90)led PH 5.8, tem 78-82 humidity 52 just added 1/4 of the recommended max nutrients+aquashield 2 days ago the other plant shows nothing on it looks perfect...but this one is showing something i cant tell what it is20130203_161550.jpg


Well-Known Member
hard to tell from the small pic, can you get a close up
it looks more like little yellow spots .. has it been burnt by the light, have you sprayed it during lights on ?

i doubt a seedling so small would show any deficiencies its too early

peace :)


I tried to get a close up with my phone camera but it comes out blurry. I havn't sprayed with lights on. And i recently moved my lights higher 2 days ago(26 inches)from 16 inches. I can put my hands where the plant is for 30 secs and its not hot at all.


Active Member
what nutes you using? i would have to say it isnt calcium yet too, still to little. how the others ones look? all a even green?


i got my nutes from stealth hydro, they have prepackaged powder nutes. i only have one other and its a little slower on growing but its little leaves are a very nice green and no spots or anything. if it helps it looks like one of the leaves that hasnt come out yet is brown spotted, i am now suspecting slight nutrient burn. but it doesnt make sense why one would show it and the other would not, they are both the same strain.


here is a slightly closer pic...still dont know what it could be, other seedling is still completely green temp is 79 humidity ranging 45-50 ph 5.8 ppm <200
the tips of the sides are white-ish upon closer examination


Active Member
when you say you use 1/4 strength nutes, is it a 1/4 of the seedling dosage or a 1/4 of a normal veg dose? if your environment stays stable at those numbers i would guess its a nute issue. whether its too weak or the powder isn't mixing well in the water. what kind of water are you using? <200 ppm seems kinda low even for a small plant, but then again ive never touched those nutes... maybe call or email stealth and ask if the nutes should work for your style. some dont like to be bubbled, however im just thinkin out loud with that one, kinda unlikely but ya never know