LED cabinet design questions, blackstar 500 owners


Well-Known Member
Anyone with experience on the blackstar 500? I want to build my next cabinet around this light. My wife and I have an agreement that I will only grow one plant so as not to give her the "drug dealer" impression. I do have my Dr rec, but whatever, Im just going to abide by her rules for now.

So Im thinking of a cab 3'x2', and 5 or 6 feet tall. I'll plan on growing a single plant in 10gal of soil and doing a scrog that entire 3x2 area. The blackstar supposedly can do a 3x2 area, which I'm going to guess is less in reality.

So the questions, will that light do an OK job in that size cab? and how tall does that cab need to be with this light and scrogging a 10 gal bucket? I can make it as tall as I want, but for the sake of exactness, I would make it 5' tall if I knew it was enough. Ive seen some people say they put their BS at 8-10" and some say it needs to be further. I also want to be able to cool the cab with some lower CFM fans, a box is only as stealthy as it sounds!

Thanks for any input!
The only thing that worrys me about this grow is the fact that you want your plant that tall, you will not have good light penetration on the lower buds and therefore produce small .5 to gram nugs on side branches. If that is your way to go, Id suggest researching some CFLS as side bulbs, I personally grow with a 120W led light, it is my first grow but ive put my reading in, thats for sure, and after hitting the flower stage and realizing that my light penetration was minimal i added 250W of CFL bulbs ( 42w 2700K)
for flowering. My plants seem to love this and all are around 5 feet tall in a 5.25 sq ft space, Its all about lumens per sq fett my friend.


Well-Known Member
No I don't want the plant to get tall I want it to be a 3x2 scrog. Just trying to figure how tall the cab needs to be


Well-Known Member
you gotta be patient to fill this footprint with one plant! 10gallons bucket is a good call! I think that side lighting is not needed in your situation, and I think that 2 BS 240 would give you more yield than 1x500! and if you are about to buy 2 BS 240, might as well buy 1 blackstar 240 and give a shot at another brand and compare which side of the scrog seems best! (just trying to help the whole LED community!) good luck!


Well-Known Member
Hey that could work out! I could get a 240 for my little cab I'm using now, then buy another 240 and build the next cab. Can split the cost up a bit that way.