LED+CFL Closet Coco grow


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I would prefer high speed, high torque. We'll turn it on right at harvest time the buds will just fly right off :-) haha...

I agree low speed high torque would be needed as she is heavy. I'm just wondering if I have anything handy that would do the job.


Active Member
I'm starting to see some trichomes appear around the buds/leaves. She is getting awfully sticky. Went to pull a dead leaf out from the bush and my hand brushed against what I guess must have been a bud and my hand felt all sticky like I dipped it in glue. I'm tempted to try a sample. A few people said to trim off little growth nodes on the very bottom, I see that they have some tiny buds on them but I feel they won't produce much. Wondering if it really is a good idea to prune them off, plus I could try the tiny buds as a sample. I'm just worried. I have 2 books on the subject Marijuana Horticulture The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Growers Bible Jorge Cervantes Marijuana Cultivation Everything You Need to Know To Grow Weed Tommy McCarthy. Jorge says don't prune, Tommy says prune. Hmmm... I've trimmed a few leaves off here and there but not an entire growth node. Will the plant really refocus the nutrients to other larger buds resulting in better quality/yield for harvest time? I'll post some pics of the nodes I'm talking about.

I don't want this to turn into a prune/no prune war I just want input from both sides.


Well-Known Member
Don't want to start a fight..............but.............never remove healthy leaves unless your RH is extremely high and you could lose your harvest to PM.


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So turns out I have a nicer laser that most and the damn thing is metal. I think I need bolt cutters to get the lens out. Regardless, plant is looking nice. I'll post some new pics soon.

I'm very sad. I just shattered my bubbler. It was my main pipe for like 3 years. Sad day.

I think I may need to start tying the branches up, I was thinking of using fishing lone on each branch and tying it to the top of the tent frame. I've seen horror stories of plants snapping under the weight of their own buds. I've also seen people use tomato cages, that seems to be a much easier solution. Suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your bubbler.

Id use something thicker than fishing line, dont want ti to cut into your branches.
Iv tied branches to the main stalk before, worked fine, then supported the main stalk with a stick... I generally dont like stabbing into the root system, especially in flowering though.


Active Member
Ah ok, I'm worried my plant isn't going to pack on the weight... Before flowering I as watering her just about every day because the coco would be dried out, now it seems it is never completely dry. I've started just watering when the top is all the way dry and the rest just feels damp. I've looked up pics of other plants 26 days into flower and they have huge buds already :-/ I'm worried something is wrong, I mean deinitely everything looks healthy the buds just don't seem to be getting big quickly especially compared to other people.


Well-Known Member
That would be all genetics imo because the plant is as healthy as can be,, light may have something to do with it as well... And to add, you havent really hit the weight gain stage yet... imo

lets see an xmas pic eh?


Active Member
Ah ok, idk some pics at 26 days look like mine but some are wayy further along. I will post pics soon, I'm working at the moment but will be done soon. As far as the bugs go I still see them every morning and night but only on the grow bag, not even in the coco anymore. I've found one on a leaf but that's it. I've sprayed neem oil solution twice, still no damage to the plant or anything like that. I kill all of them I see every time I check on the plant, I never see more than roughly 10 at a time and that is only early morning or right before lights out. I feel like something is looming with them, it's just I don't know what else to do.

Is it common to have harmless bugs like this? Or maybe they are doing harm just nothing noticeable?

I'm going to continue treating with neem solution every 2-3 days but I'm just not sure.... Should I be worrying this much or would there already be damage at this point if they were malicious?


Active Member
The bugs aren't even anywhere to be found above the grow bag, I'll see if I can get a good shot of one of them. Through the loupe they appear to have 2 antennas making like a v shape and it looks like they have 4 or 5 hairs coming from their mid back off the back of them. No coloring whatsoever though, completely white/translucent. They are all roughly the same size, no apparent different life stages.

A few quick snaps with my point and shoot, higher quality pics coming up after dinner.



Active Member
This is the best pic I can get of the bug for the moment, will see if I can get a better one later. I know this one isn't too good. Any ideas though?



Well-Known Member
I would say that plant is looking hella good for 26 days bro, keep doing what your doing your gonna have a nice harvest! As far as the bugs are concerned do those buggers look like this, if so they're a predatory mite that eat fungus gnat larvae and other soil dwelling bugs. which is a good thing, they are hypoapsis miles! Are they doing damage to your leaves? If not then they are most likely these :weed:

hypoaspis_miles_01.jpgView attachment 2455160


Active Member
They look kind of like that except with hairs protruding off the back of them, the hairs are roughly equal length and spaced evenly. Uou can kind of see them in the photo I posted.

On the other hand, plant looks great resin production is picking up but when I woke up this morning one of the buds on the side brances was in direct conbtact with my CFL and the bud and associating leaves are all burnt, I of course moved it away and I assume that bud is ruined am i correct or will it recover? Will this cause other issues or should I leave it as it? I'm sad it was the top bud of one of the long side branches :-/