Led closet grow! No half assing.


Well-Known Member
Looks like isis or growpanel 180 wattt with 90 2 watt crees, half veg half flowering. And itt has a switch to go from veg to flower or both. Someone just spammed it in the led thread and I looked at it. Looks legiit and should draw equal to the blackstar but with better penetration due to all 100 percent quality cree bridgelux leds.


Well-Known Member
Dude, flower with the blackstar, I think you will be pleasantly surprised as I was. They are kinda ho hum for veg, in flower, you really start to see their effectiveness, especially later on, since that is what their entire spectrum for that model is geared towards.

I would just to with a 500W blackstar. Why settle for 180W for $549? Cree is just a name brand, so is bridgelux. From what I gather from Gotham, they use both of those brands, along with a few korean manufacturers. You'll be pulling 285 watts or something like that from the Blackstar, and for the same amount of money. So consider carefully. Honestly I wasn't blown away by blackstar until late flower, and them boom, never ending flower. Constant bud growth. Week 7 and the plants start to go nuts instead of shutting down. New leaf growth, the whole 9, just some cool stuff.

I havent seen a single difference between anyones LED grows honestly (short of two professionals will setups that make HID users blush with movers, CO2, nute monitors, just nuts stuff that most growers don't have the commitment or money for). Outside of that, I haven't seen a single 1000 dollar panel blow away a $300 panel of equal draw and spectrum offering. I think that people just want to spend money on something to get the piece of mind that expensive things work better. I find that logic to be generally false in almost all applications, especially one with as many outside variables as growing.

So thats my 2. Isis makes great panels, so does grow panel, so does Blackstar. The big difference is the money, not the attributes or diodes b/t the three.


Well-Known Member
Yet again solid points HV. Victor better not give me the "well its a popular unit" speech again. Especially after price gouging like he is now.... since when can you drive up prices to deal with demand? I thought you drive up supply? If he cant get the unit to me for 260 Im looking elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
I haven't ever gotten a good deal on the 240. I think I got mine for 240$ (not shipped). He was more willing to work with me on the 500W unit. I walked away with that one for $500 flat. What are they going for now? 280 plus shipping? I would ask for 270 free shipping....

Yet again solid points HV. Victor better not give me the "well its a popular unit" speech again. Especially after price gouging like he is now.... since when can you drive up prices to deal with demand? I thought you drive up supply? If he cant get the unit to me for 260 Im looking elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
B/c he is an ebay seller, I bet he makes a couple of bucks on the shipping cost too, he will probably be more willing to sacrifice that first before knocking into the price (although it is all the same)


Well-Known Member
Yea I got the first two for 250 shipped a piece. I'm putting pictures up tomorrow You wouldn't believe the explosion of growth. I swear I saw the 240 on ebay for 279.99 and thought he went up in price but maybe it was shipping included. I see there back in stock on the 11th and still 260 a piece plus shipping. I want a veg one for vegging obviously. But I wonder how it will do in flowering.... I'm pretty happy how 2 does with my results at this moment. A 3rd is going to push me into some ridiculous grams per watt. I just lst'ed 2 out of the 3 soil plants. Still got the biggest girl to tie down.... Shit takes like 15 minutes...... I'm gonna have a few small pieces here and there to clone in another week. I have to feed them again tomorrow. The Skywalker swallowed a gallon last night. Looks like scrog is supposed too right now. Still can't smell much so I cant figure out how many phenotype's I have. I see lots of hairs and I bet I'll have some bud sites by next Friday on all of the plants. Very cool. Clones are doing good, throwing them into flower in a week. There going in for seeds regardless.


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking good. Id love to know when to let the skywalker "go" as in discontinue any more scrogging. The p.e. are looking beautiful. Just fed the p.e. again today, 1/4tsp grow, 1tsp cal mag, 1/2 tsp bloom, 1/2tsp protekt, 1/2 tsp great white. Should do a reservoir change on the skywalker but I'm feeling lazy right now. Shes at 820 ppm right now. Going to change it right now.

I figure I need to let the skywalker go real soon, like another 3-4 days. Or do I have it wrong? If I had a week, fairly sure I could fill the screen out. The waterfarm plant recovered perfectly from the hole pinch and bend deal on the larger branches. Ill be buying a 3rd flowering light Friday as well. Andddd thats about it. Just looking for some advice.



Well-Known Member
Your plants are thriving and look extremely healthy. +rep. The salmon you posted also looks amazing.


Well-Known Member
Think I'm done training the skywalker in the waterfarm. I'm afraid of over training. I did a TON of defoliation today on all plants, removed a gallon bag worth of lower fan leaves. We will see how they recover over the next few days. I'm expecting another good growth spurt from it, on a side note still have co2. Don't know how much but there's still a lot in there. I really need that 3rd light. I'll have it by the middle of next week hopefully. I'll be posting pics on the 11th lets say. 11-12 days of 12/12 and I'll be 100% done doing any training by then. I'm going to clone maybe a 1/2 dozen under developed nodes soon, only problem is I don't have room to veg and flower and the clones I have are ready to go into flower/bigger pots real soon. Mite just throw away the under growth nodes.... too bad I don't have a fellow grower to give them to or veg um out and trade again later or something.


Well-Known Member
They just went dark about a minute ago and heres a few pics I took while tucking them all in.

The scrog looks good, done training. I'm going to have to settle for a half full screen but fuck it. Still 30+ bud sites. Took a few clones from straggling branches (2 more big skywalker clones, and another 4 p.e. clones) Chopped a few shitty looking tiny start of popcorn buds here and there on the p.e. and skywalker, only the stuff buried deep in the forest of leaves. Still a few straggler's here and there that might get chopped. The stretch is over I think, or slowed down a lot, now its just stacking of bud nodes.

Still vegging the barney's farm vanilla kush, slow grower but shes working on node 3 or 4 I think. Just transplanted her and the two healthiest skywalker and 2 healthiest p.e. clones into the 3.5 gallons pots. I know 2 plants in a pot is a no-no but I really don't care. And they wont be receiving much in the form of training and there veg is over anyways.

The defoliation went wonderfully, overnight all of the little fan leaves BLEW up to replace there predecessors. Cant believe how well it worked. Really cleaned up under the p.e.'s too as you can see. Still looking for hermie flowers but the pandafilm door is doing a good job blocking the light from my "veg area" I use that term loosely. I might keep the new clones, might toss them, who knows. I really don't have any space left. I still need another 2 weeks of veg on the vanilla kush and at that point she will hit the flowering chamber with her clones mates hopefully. All of the new clones have small budsites so we will see how that goes and how the revegging goes as well. Other then that, the pictures pretty much speak for themselves. Expecting a half lb or better off the first 4 plants. Countdown= t minus 6-7 weeks.



Well-Known Member
I say 13 because pics go up tomorrow afternoon. Veg growth on the VK sucks. Thing has huge wide leaves but sucks at growing, just transplanted it two days ago. Should be seeing some good growth this week then right into flower. The skywalker gets a res change tomorrow morning and the P.e.'s are super light and needs either water or another feed, another feed probably wouldn't hurt.

The skywalker's screen got trimmed and moved to optimize my light output and maximize my plant space. Shes a thirsty bitch. Going to aim for 1000ppm tomorrow.

The p.e.'s have tons of bud-sites. Still need to destroy some undergrowth/popcorn nuggage on all the plants.


Well-Known Member
Loving the progress so far, penetration is good on the blackstars, even the undergrowth is equal to the top buds. Everything is dime to nickel size so far which is good for 2 weeks since flipping :)

Threw in a picture of the 4 thriving clones.

As well as a picture of my iolite packed full of keef/blue mystic. Did quite the number on me last night :(

Had to lst again on two of the p.e.'s. Surprisingly enough the "runt" from the beginning is doing the best, must of been working on root structure while the other's were more appealing topside. Its the plant closest the waterfarm, very even canopy.

I still have room for the next batch of clones/plants on the right of the p.e.'s after making the screen smaller on the skywalker. Just waiting on my 3rd light, which will make my grow space officially 62inches longs by 30+- an inch inches wide. With 720 watts of blackstar and co2. Should make for a hell of a haul :)



Well-Known Member
HAHAHA...I love this guy. He is relentless. I hope whatever company that makes ISIS is paying him a lot cuz he works the shit out of his grows. Sure he got like .9 grams per watt. But he also had 24 fucking plants, an entire attic space, CO2, a lot of other shit. Come on. He got just barely an ounce and a eighth per plant after 5 days of drying. I wasn't all that impressed. If you have 24 plants and you don't pull 2 lbs, then you suck.

Either way, your grow looks insane. Really healthy and coming along very nicely. I have been keeping tabs on it, I just haven't posted anything in a bit.



Looking good Nicky. I will be following closely, as I am starting flowering with Blackstar 240 soon. Gives me a glimpse into the future.


Well-Known Member
SOOOOO a lot has been going down.

I failed miserably at scrog. I failed miserably at lst on two of the p.e.'s and the third (the runt from the get go) is the most perfect, gorgeous, even, thick nug making, sweet goddess of funk smelling plant I have ever grown. I have a late cutting I've been trying to clone for about 8-9 days now. No roots but the stem swelled up a ton and I should have some root's in a few days- its uncovered/bagged and refuses to wilt. I might just plant it outside and wait for fall to take a few cuttings and keep this phenotype going. Can't wait to smoke her. She's literally a week ahead of sisters easy. Ive been defoliating heavily and this plant has responded phenomenally. At the rate were going she will be ripe a week ahead of the other plants which sucks.

Basically the scrog plant came out uneven but has 30+ main colas and a few unculled colas about 2 inches below the main canopy that will undoubtedly become popcorn nugs.... Ive really done a number on all plants. Ripped off every nugsite/fan leaf in the first 6-7inches of the p.e.'s and ripped everything close to the screen off the skywalker. Not sure if I'm doing a seed run. Not only can I not find the right water but I really don't want to risk my sensimillia crop.

Sorry, a few pictures are a hair out of focus but I'm taking pictures in the dark.

Enjoy the pic's and buckle in for the next 5 weeks :blsmoke: Not satisfied if I don't pull 3/4lb co2 is going strong still and temperatures are in check. Once the clones are done I'll be packing up the grow gear until we move out for good. Repair my 2 holes and do a bit of painting. The end is in sight!



Active Member
I havent seen a single difference between anyones LED grows honestly (short of two professionals will setups that make HID users blush with movers, CO2, nute monitors, just nuts stuff that most growers don't have the commitment or money for). Outside of that, I haven't seen a single 1000 dollar panel blow away a $300 panel of equal draw and spectrum offering. I think that people just want to spend money on something to get the piece of mind that expensive things work better. I find that logic to be generally false in almost all applications, especially one with as many outside variables as growing.

So thats my 2. Isis makes great panels, so does grow panel, so does Blackstar. The big difference is the money, not the attributes or diodes b/t the three.
Hey Hudson has anyone posted decent numbers on Blackstar yet? I know lots of people expressing their love for the price but I haven't found a single grow journal yet where they post numbers comparable to Irishboy or LedBudGuy.


Well-Known Member
No one has, Hudson doesn't even flower with only a Blackstar, he's got a 1K in there too. Plus he's using the 500w which price-wise approaches the "expensive" panels. Not sure if that gives more or less credibility to the 180w panels.

A dude called kushgroove has some pics from a grow he did with CFLs and a Blackstar that looks good. He did 3/4 with the CFLs then got his LED panel. He's got a journal going now with just his Blackstar for flowering but it's not very far along yet.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I need the heat
My grow room is 59 degree w/o hid?
What do you want me to do? Plug in a 1500W space heater? Fuck that I'll just just the HID.
I have been bumped around several threads, however the only thing is that people have combined them with their old panels
Kushgroove had one earlier this year, I know a dude who just started on with a 180W ufo.

If you look thought the LED thread there are plenty of people with blackstar grows and weights if you click their signatures, although no one has spent nearly the amount of money that either of you have. I don't really keep on top of all these threads anymore, work has drastically picked up and I am traveling more often than not.

But again, haters are haters. They see a thread and discount it just to support their own argument.