led colour mixing: needed or not?


does anyone know deeply about the chlorophyll action and if the sugars produced etc all mix up in the plant?
what i am getting at is how would a plant react if half were lit in the spectrums for chlorophyll a and the other half in b. or max out the top canopy with reds and under/side light the blues (and whites/green for weight i read). and what light if any do the colas themselves use? i hear the uv irritates them to make more thc, or possibly just busts up the cell walls.


Well-Known Member
I like mixing, but I don't know about using different light from different angles, I prefer to try to have a consistent mix. I run CMH + UVB Tanning Bulbs + HPS + 3500k LED + 6500k LED. You will never compete with my spectrum without 3+ different light sources/colors.

UVB = resin production stimulation, (weed doing it's version of getting tan/sun protection, in humans melatonin, in weed resin/THC)
UVA/Deep blues = resin/tric stimulation and stem growth (you will notice thicker stems/stocks side by side vs less/no UVA)

Blues = dense vegetative growth
Greens = general purpose, a reasonable minimal level should be maintained, but not exceptionally important.
Reds = bud formation + (can be used to make plants grow taller instead of bushier, but will have thinner stems and require more support)


Interesting. I have just kicked the last conventional light out and now just running led.made a spectrometer today so I will be able to check later. Would be great if a few more people here went on spectral workshop and posted results. The device costs nothing to build. Really interested to see your spectrum. I now run 600 real watts of led in under a metre square. Will be tuning and adding or subtracting to get it perfect. I will post my spectrum later. Won't be much blue at the moment as I'm waiting for more leds from China.