LED Companies w/ LINKS

Well ,you could have had some more than 4 switches there to control the 600 W unit's 20 "modules" ( of x15 leds each ) ...
But still they would be "locked in place " and not able to be "spreaded " ..(like multiple panels can ) ...
So no meaning of having so many switches ....
No switches at all in fact ....

A 600 W unit is a rather good approach for vast commercial greenhouses / large scale grows ....
(used as multiple units ...i.e . 100 x 600 Watts ..... )
There it can serve it's purpose with it's -monstrous-power ,just fine ...
Although, water cooling or other high -efficiency cooling methods ,have to be utilised ,for a 600 Watt unit to work properly ...
It is way massive power of leds and way a lot of heat produced ....
Not an easy task ,to make such a light compact and efficient ....
With long service life ....

Another approach is to build units of max 75-100 Watts -say-
( 5~7 x modules x 15 leds )
with analog dimmer pot ,or digital PWM dimming ,or simple switches for every module ...
Way easier to keep cool ,compact ,versatile ,ect ...

With 2 to 5 of these fixtures ,the average small scale grower would be more than happy(from results ) !
Well ,you could have had some more than 4 switches there to control the 600 W unit's 20 "modules" ( of x15 leds each ) ...
But still they would be "locked in place " and not able to be "spreaded " ..(like multiple panels can ) ...
So no meaning of having so many switches ....
No switches at all in fact ....

A 600 W unit is a rather good approach for vast commercial greenhouses / large scale grows ....
(used as multiple units ...i.e . 100 x 600 Watts ..... )
There it can serve it's purpose with it's -monstrous-power ,just fine ...
Although, water cooling or other high -efficiency cooling methods ,have to be utilised ,for a 600 Watt unit to work properly ...
It is way massive power of leds and way a lot of heat produced ....
Not an easy task ,to make such a light compact and efficient ....
With long service life ....

Another approach is to build units of max 75-100 Watts -say-
( 5~7 x modules x 15 leds )
with analog dimmer pot ,or digital PWM dimming ,or simple switches for every module ...
Way easier to keep cool ,compact ,versatile ,ect ...

With 2 to 5 of these fixtures ,the average small scale grower would be more than happy(from results ) !

yes, this is what we want and need, smaller panels. congrats for moving in the right direction! will make it easier for people like me to actually give your company money. ;)
Now ..
That is a rather nice way to spend some time ,during a cold winter's night ....

(*smoke mix is made of : dark tobacco blend ,red & green apple pieces ,molasses ,honey and of course cannabis dry flowers .... Goes perfect with morning coffee or late midnight rakomelo ( wine distils/spirits or Metaxa brandy or really hallucinogenic spirits from Arbutus Unedo tree *, boiled along with honey ,orange peels ,cloves ,black pepper,nutmegs and other spices..Drink while still hot..... Makes your head really ..high .... )

EH, I very much like that you stagger rows of lights. In a 5 row/column minimum it duplicates Merkaba shape

SDS, now if the o/o switches worked on lights from the inside out, as the plants got bigger, so would the light over them

But a commercial grower probably has a nursery
Hi - Thinking about purchasing an LED light. Anyone know which companies ship worldwide. One with a distribution center in China would probably work best..
So ,would you cause photodamage to get more carotenoids ?
Would then be useful for more/better " light energy for use in photosynthesis" absorption ?
Would you increase yields by increasing blue light content of white leds used by choosing CW/NW or by just using blue leds ?

And this is why I'm really digging yellow in the flowering room, more so than green for the average indoor grower.


Soooo much more to learn about this LED plant growing scene.
And this is why I'm really digging yellow in the flowering room, more so than green for the average indoor grower.

Carotenoids are the terpenoid compounds formed via condensation of eight isoprenoid monomers. The carotenoids of most plant species are represented by carotenes and xanthophylls, with characteristic three-headed absorption maxima in the blue part of the spectrum, 400-480 nm.


So ,would you cause photodamage to get more carotenoids ?
Would then be useful for more/better " light energy for use in photosynthesis" absorption ?

Carotenoids have two important roles in photosynthetic organisms. First, they act as accessory light-harvesting pigments, effectively extending the range of light absorbed by the photosynthetic apparatus. Secondly, they perform an essential photoprotective role by quenching triplet state chlorophyll molecules and scavenging singlet oxygen and other toxic oxygen species formed within the chloroplast.
Agreed 100% .

And I ask once more ...

Are we after Carotenoid/ Xanthophyll production ?

Do we need such circumstances /situations / environment / light that will force Carotenoid/ Xanthophyll biosynthesis ?

( In order to act as : accessory light-harvesting pigments, effectively extending the range of light absorbed by the photosynthetic apparatus.
And :

Secondly, they perform an essential photoprotective role by quenching triplet state chlorophyll molecules and scavenging singlet oxygen and other toxic oxygen species formed within the chloroplast.

(Quenching triple state chlorophylls ,means higher energy (electron ) transport -between radical pairs of Ch ,but also means somewhat reduced absorption at red band ... ....)
(Singlet and other i.e. -O-O- or -O-O-O- free radical roots ..Formed by what ? High energy photons ...=> UV/ Blue light .=>"First I shoot you ,then I cure you ",situation ...)
My understanding of accessory pigments and their functions is clouded by time (and the accumulated affects of a certain type of plant), but as I understand it [healthy] plants maintain a certain ratio of carotenoids to chloroplasts within green material as a rule. You can alter the rate of synthesis of carotenoids via environmental stress, changing the storage capacity/sequestration ability of the plant, or genetic alteration, but under "normal" conditions plants will automatically produce certain levels of carotenoids. I suppose the environmental stress can be in the form of light (UV or other crazy wavelengths), in which case more carotenoids will develop to combat the oxidative stress... but if you're generating more carotenoids, that's less energy and material available to funnel directly into photosynthesis, no? So what we really want for maximum photosynthesis is a spectrum that directly feeds both photosystems as much as possible (or slightly overpower the dark reactions and slightly under power the light reactions?) while supporting the necessary "minimum" level of carotenoids.....

Sorry about the rambling, trying to wrap my mind around this.

Wouldn't it be nice if stressing an MMJ plant to induce carotenoid biosynthesis could result in plants that, when smoked, helped fight macular degeneration? :mrgreen:
My understanding of accessory pigments and their functions is clouded by time (and the accumulated affects of a certain type of plant), but as I understand it [healthy] plants maintain a certain ratio of carotenoids to chloroplasts within green material as a rule. You can alter the rate of synthesis of carotenoids via environmental stress, changing the storage capacity/sequestration ability of the plant, or genetic alteration, but under "normal" conditions plants will automatically produce certain levels of carotenoids. I suppose the environmental stress can be in the form of light (UV or other crazy wavelengths), in which case more carotenoids will develop to combat the oxidative stress... but if you're generating more carotenoids, that's less energy and material available to funnel directly into photosynthesis, no? So what we really want for maximum photosynthesis is a spectrum that directly feeds both photosystems as much as possible (or slightly overpower the dark reactions and slightly under power the light reactions?) while supporting the necessary "minimum" level of carotenoids.....

Exactly !
Wouldn't it be nice if stressing an MMJ plant to induce carotenoid biosynthesis could result in plants that, when smoked, helped fight macular degeneration?

Smoking probably is the worst way-amongst others - ,for carotenoid administration ....
you got more if you smoke carrots...

The function of carotenoids in photosynthesis
Carotenoids play a crucial role as light-harvesting pigments in photosynthesis and in the regulation of the energy flows in the photosynthetic apparatus. In the Light-harvesting complex II (LHC II), which collects more than 50 % of the light used for photosynthesis on earth, carotenoids contribute about 20-30 % to this huge amount of collected energy. In addition, they seem to play an important role in the regulation of excessive excitation energy under typical conditions of sun light intensities rapidly varying over several orders of magnitude during a day. It is known that the regulation of photosynthetic activity under these circumstances is essential for the survival and fitness of natural and gene modified plants
Carrot makes nice contrast with the black of gorilla ....
Same here ....

At this place on Earth ,where all his relatives ,uncles ,cousins ,ect ,live here ,work here ,
eat here ,sleep here ,shit here .....And F@ck all the rest,of us ....

They make nice contrast ,with the homeless ,the hungry ,the poor ...
With their fat cigars in their mouth ....
With even,the same haircut ,as their gorilla (direct ) relative ,has ...

Life is a jungle ....
Or a ......beach..... ?
mamakush, the frequency with which doctors misdiagnose is beyond the pale. There are a number of things you can do to be proactive, Chelation tops the list, but Chlorella is said to be a natural chelator, Vit C, specifically Lipospheric C, lots of vitamin/minerals (but they must be of very high quality)- see Dr Mercola & Swanson Vitamins