LED grow #1 check it out


Nice job if ya ask me! I think even with the early unplanned harvest things look to have reached close enough into the harvest window to give ya some nice meds. But I feel you. I recently harvested my grow and noticed the plants I let go for longer definitely put on a tad more weight and have an extra kick to the potency. As far as the house situation, that's exactly why I am growing in a cab and not in my old big room I had not too long ago. I had trees in there I had to chop early, and veggers I had to completely do away with. Hope to see ya settled down and back at it ASAP! Peace!


Well-Known Member
WooHoo! You should be BACK anytime NOW!

I see the problem you had with the roots not venturing out to the new Medium. To AVOID this Problem, you just NEED to loosen/break up the RootBall as you transplant. I usually grab the bottom root ring and pull the Whole thing off! You would NEVER know I DO IT because the Plants seem to be unPhased by it! The Broken Root Ends will Re-Grow INTO the New Medium.

HURRY UP and COME HOME! So we can Wish you Good Luck on your NEW GROW!

Oh, and Stop BY my New LED Room!
