Led grow light question

that seems like a lot of money for a light that cover 4 sq/ft. most closet growers use HIDs or florescent. I have grown with HPS,LEDs (diy) and T5s and for a small closet grow see no difference in yield. adding a little UVA did improve taste and quality. I prefer T5s because I can easily adjust the spectrum and they provide a little UVA that improves potency and taste.every summer I grow 3 plants in my patio in natural sunlight as a "control" to measure my indoor lights against.again I suggest that you do your homework and not just rely on forums. a lot of research has been done on LED grow light by NASA,PHILIPS AND THE US MILITARY. I'm 62YO MMJ patient and when I started growing a few years ago I went to the local garden centers and asked what was the best light to use to grow tomatoes indoors. they have the same light needs as cannabis and are actually related


My plan is to let them stay outside as long as the sun is up and then when it goes down I'll bring them inside and put them under my lights.
Hmm okay. Thanks for the tips. I didnt buy that light, just had it laying around and was wondering if it would work. My plan is to buy this. What do you think?View attachment 4222869
These are crap lights, I made this mistake, actually bought 4 of them. Do not buy these kind of lights thinking they are quality of any kind. I finally got cmh 315w lights, and they changed the game. Little more money, but 4x the quality and quantity.
Okay maybe I chose the wrong word lol. I am 21, work full time, and also pay bills. So I know that $300 isn't a fortune. I'm just new to this and to spend $300 on a light is kinda expensive for me. But you have made some good points so maybe it is worth it. I am pretty dedicated to doing this so I'll do what I need to do.
If you gonna be cheap by a hps..