Well-Known Member
I like this because I think it sums up the situation well. 'Who the fuck knows'! There seems to be too many people on here arguing for one type over another, when I suspect that very few even know!
I took the time to learne about and build my own COB light. I'm proud that I did and I found the process involved in the build very rewarding. Last night I made dinner at home. Tonight I might order in.
Me too, it wasn't just about COB and LED's..It was learning about the metrics of how light actually works radiometrically. The Cob Led just happens to be quantifiable....when the next best thing comes along...OLED w/ high efficiency or Maybe Sulfur halide finally arrives....I will objectively look at and crunch numbers for what seems like a series of weeks....determing the correct SWOT analysis [anyone watch SiliCON valley?]
If there is an increased radiometric benefit, I will use it....whether its a LED, a water cooled light or shinyshovel reflecting light into a shiny bucket....
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