lol Church you knee jerker you yeah i do i would place bets 2 MArs 1600 watter will kick the shit out of 2 346 watt COBS any day of the week including Sundays

Yu guys put cobs like that make belief Jesus or the so called God you jerk to and pray for false hopes same fucking thing folk lore fairy tale i can post T5 grows that make cobs
look silly
So with that said best bang for LED in my books would be Mars in a heartbeat its affordable you get discounts
But i know its Chinese junk right lol 99 percent of that Cob DiY builds are probably china / japan parts with that made in usa sticker to market BS Don't fucking fool yourself ....
when Seymour duncan needed chips for his super computor he had to order it from japan lmao what makes this any different same shit made same place oh put together in USA in someones shed makes it made in usa right ???
We know who can fuck off with them thoughts preacher haha
everyone is worried about efficiency wasted power HEAT yeah fucking knuckle head Heat is also the driving force in plants and therefore needed with every 10 degree in heat will increase c02 up take and is really the driving force of any plant
Have run lots of grows with only fresh air coming in the dead of summer heat but guess what them 90 degree temps were also leaving my room in turn 80 degree temps coming back in from outside
Church whats the efficiency of them mars 1600 watters ??? compared to Cobs ???? and i stand my ground that 2 - 1600 watter will in fact kick the shit out of 2 300 or 346 watt cob units and for half the price life span 50,000 hrs also what tests have been done on cobs for light effciency after 10,000 hrs ?? probably not fucking one right