Strange topic - People tend to have VERY strong beliefs about this - Hard to find an objective opinion - people are either pro or con, no in-between. Seems like people that have grown for a while and have been successful w/ conventional lights are unwilling to change w/ technology -
I could be wrong - I am just hoping someone that has used both can provide there opinion - perhaps a 400 watt HPS & a 240 watt LED together may work best - Please let me know -
i think you are right about people being ether Pro or con and nohting inbetween, HOWEVER i do not agree that people are unwilling to change with technology........ The way i see it we are consistantly changing as tech. advances.... EX. we had records, then tapes then cds then Ipods....... we had pagers then cell phones now smart phones......We had magnetic ballast now people are using digital.... So for me the reason i dont use LEDS is NOT because im unwilling to change its because i feel they dont do what they promise... Have you ever talk to a LED salesman?? they will tell you that you can replace your 1000w light with an LED and simply be done and get the same results.....and we all know one Led is not going to replace my 1000w light thats silly talk...... Once LEDS improve so much that we have no reason not to switch then i will switch just like i went from tapes to cds to ipods.....
I didnt switch to cds because i thought they were better i switched because they were PROVEN BETTER........Thats the difference, having an opinion about something being better is not the same as it really being better as a PROVEN fact...... FACT, cds are better then records... FACT ipod is better then CD, but its not a fact that LEDS are better then HID lights.......
So once LEDS tech. advances over HID lights then i will switch just like i switched from cd to ipod and magnetic to digital.....
Led users like to tell excusses for why more people dont use them stating things like its the cost that keeps people from buying them or its the industry that tells people there no good etc etc there all excusses the truth is if LEDS were really as good as Led users claim then they would have cought on by now leds been around for a decade already and any new advances that have been around for a decade would have taken over if it was really better.......
did it take cds a decade to catch on ?? or ipods?? or cell phones?? ok maybe cell phones but really come on now.....look at it logical here... 10 years and still no LEDS in hydro stores?? what does that tell you?? and dont tell me its the industry that is against leds cause i work at a hydro store and the owner dosent not stock them because hes spreading propeganda, he dosent carry them because no one buys
we do use LEDS for clones at the club and they work GREAT! they also make a pretty light