You're full of shit.
In order to obtain what you claim, then you would have had to net 575.1 grams out of one grow. That's 20.28 ounces or 1.25 fucking POUNDS!!!
From the picture you posted, it looks like you'd be lucky to have about 8 fucking ounces, or around 226.79 grams, which is .83 grams per watt. No god damned way that's a pound-and-a-quarter in that image of yours.
Jesus man what's your problem and why would i lie about this? go check out my diary at growdiaries . i will try to post some pics in perspective and if you think i'm full of shit well that's your problem not mine

I'm just getting great results and i wan't to share how i get them so other people could get this to but if you think i'm full of shit that's your problem not mine.
I'm just a happy man with great results .
I dry my weed 6/7 days before they go in the Curing jar. and just to show you i have taken some pics with my arm beside 1 bud and as you can see on my plants on the right side those 2 are bruce banner's and you can see how many of those buds are on 1 plant about 10 of them as big as my under arm !! what do you think the weight is.
And just imagine i i would have planted 4 bruce banners instead of 2 royal gorilla's on the left side?
If i had planted 4 bruce banners and multiply what the 2 bruce banners got me its was 1521 gr wet and 345gr dry of those 2 plants on the right side.
If we multiply it that would have been 3042 gr wet and 690 gr dry

imagine then it was 2.5 gr / Watt !