Well-Known Member
So i have a lowes cabinet that ive made light proof and the inside footprint is about 21x28 inches roughly. i have 2 plants i bought as clones from the dispensary w/ my card. one was a bubba kush, the other fire OG....i noticed the clones had no pistels which made me think they might have been cloned immature?? i dunno, i dont clone.... anyways in the cabinet ive flowered in here dozens of times with my 400 hps but now its too hot because ive since moved and the set up is different, no AC no nuthing, long story short cant vent my 400 in my apartment i have a 135watt 3-watt LED 7 band i purchased from HTG supply...and also a 90 watt UFO from GROWUFO....i just got the 90 watt off my friend last night because they have been vegging for about a month and went into 12/12 on sept 25th, (TO ME)...i see little to no signs of flowering yet except for tiiiiiny little pistels (only the first 2-strand ones) coming off of the fire OG, no signs of flowering whatsoever on the i know its only been give or take 2 weeks since 12/12 shouldnt i see something right now?? i remember with my HPS id have huge broad fan leave and huge nugs and they would switch from veg to flower in a matter of days....basically my question is HAS ANYBODY SUCCESSFULLY FLOWERED ANY BUD WITH AN HTG SUPPLY 135 WATT 7 band 3-watt LED light?????? or a 90 watt GROWUFO???? my temps are perfect79-84, humidity is fine. no bugs, no PM, FFOF soil w/ floranova veg and bloom nutrients, not over or underwater, guaranteed....i just always heard these can match a 400 and i dont see it yet... can somebody please give me some input??? Does LED take longer to flower?