LED grow


So this'll be my first LED grow, im going for a compact grow box with only 2-3 plants in it. Ive got myself a good quality 90w LED panel, but just had a few questions....

Firstly, for the LED grows is it best to go with a short veg stage and longer flowering stage? If so roughly how long for veg?

Secondly, will the tri-band LED panel be good for the whole grow or is it best to add another light source for vegging stage? (my grow box is mylar lined too)

And finally, how high above plants should i place LED panel?


Well-Known Member
leds need to be 12-18 inches away to avoid bleaching. you better have small pots for those if your growing 3 under it.


Well-Known Member
You better get two more UFO's if you plan to grow three plants...I know from experience that leds work but those plants will get huge and out grow the light coverage then you'll have problems flowering...if you top the plants and keep them short then maybe two plants will work...and you will quickly learn that if you put the light to close the node length will change so I'd recommend 15" inches if you want a good spacing...good luck growing


What brand of LED did you buy?

Some brands work better than others, so a 90w LED from one company is not the same as a 90w LED from another company.

Thats part of the reason there's so much confusion regarding LEDs :)

Good luck with your grow!


It's an original GrowUFO 90w LED. Maybe i'll go with 2 plants to start with then as space is limited anyway and they're feminized seeds so should come out female..... Anyway once i get it up and going i'll post some updates
