LED Growing

:leaf:Im currently using LED grow lights and its turning out great. i stared 12/12 about 2 weeks ago and i got little buds starting already. just wondering if anybody else is doing the same:leaf:
If possible please post post some pics! I currently have a 90w LED UfO going on two snow white girls from Nirvana. So far I have seen amazing results with it in the vegging period, and i just switched them over to 12/12 a few days ago :)


if you can suplement the led with a couple of four foot t5 flourescent warm bulbs it will help produce nice big buds


Active Member
i have a cheapy ebay panel along with 3 cfl bulbs, they all work together to get my clones established and keep a few small things in veg before going into the cabinet with the hps, it's been working out great for me so far, when funds are freed up once again i plan on getting a much better panel, looking at sunshine systems and their glowpanel 45, it would be awesome to have 2 of them, one on each side of the hps, penetrate right through that canopy for mid growth, here's my little baby veg cab with the cheapy ebay led:


Well-Known Member
i have a cheapy ebay panel along with 3 cfl bulbs, they all work together to get my clones established and keep a few small things in veg before going into the cabinet with the hps, it's been working out great for me so far, when funds are freed up once again i plan on getting a much better panel, looking at sunshine systems and their glowpanel 45, it would be awesome to have 2 of them, one on each side of the hps, penetrate right through that canopy for mid growth, here's my little baby veg cab with the cheapy ebay led:
Ebay LED's get less than .03 watts per bulb sometimes...thats why they are cheap.

while there is advantage in the spectrums these lamps lack penetration to do any REAL good...
i tried to post pics but they are on my phone. from my phone to my computer the file is bpg an its not allowed. how do i get them from my phone on to here?

Brick Top

New Member
i myself have yet to see a decent yield with l.e.d alone....

The most impressive grow thread I ever followed was a totally LED grow. Several years back, on a similar board that is now defunct, a member came into a tidy sum of money and decided to dump his HID lighting and switch to LED lighting. He researched to find the very best LED lights and he purchased a good number of different styles.

Above his plants he had two large LED panels. He built what I call portable posts for the lack of a better term, 4 X 4 posts cut in sections that would stack on top of each other, with a flat piece of plywood attached to the bottom of each portable post set for balance.

Each section of stackable post was long enough to hold an LED light bar. On some portable posts he attached LED light bars to one side and on others he attached LED light bars to all four sides. He ringed his plants with portable posts with an LED on one side and once the top LED light panels were raised high enough he added more portable posts with LED light bars on all four sides between his plants. Each time the top LED lighting was raised enough for another section of portable post with more LED light bars on them he would add another section.

His plants were the thickest most lush plants I have ever seen grown indoors. The colas were massive, the plants were thick, totally covered in buds and the buds on the lowest portions of plants were as large or larger than most I see people get just under the bottom of their colas, meaning larger than most people’s very biggest buds other than colas are.

The key to LED lighting is to purchase the highest grade LED lights available and to purchase them in sufficient numbers AND then use them in a way that they will be able to do the very most they can for the plants growing from their light.

If people did that they would throw rocks at CFLs and HID lighting and never use either ever again. In most cases people purchase low quality LEDs because of price, and purchase too few of them, again because of price, and then they tend to expect too much from them and use them incorrectly. The result is a bad rap against LED lighting when it should instead be on those who should never have spent their money on LED lighting in the first place considering how they did it.

Tip: If i were to do something similar I would use PVC pipe instead of wood posts. It is simple to cut, easy to connect, there are many different types of connectors that can be used for stacking them or linking them if someone wanted to link them in a fence-like fashion with even more lights, it is light and easy to work with or move/reposition, it is more than durable enough for the job and it is very inexpensive so most people could easily afford it.
the second pic is a little blury but those are tiny buds. its been 15 days n my biggest plant now has 4 buds on it, my medium size has 2 and the smallest is gettin there. i can see somethin comin


Active Member
That LED looks crazy! However it is way over-priced, you can buy 2x600w LED panels, with 3w leds for less than that one panel. (check ebay, search 'LED grow light,' change order to highest price first and start back scrolling through the auctions).

I've got a 450w panel going with 3w leds, I'll let you guys know how the high power LED perform when it finishes up :)

Happy Growing!