Led guys chime in

No I'm talking about frame rate not refresh rate. I'm talking about how human vision sees things in frames. That's not an opinion that's scientific fact.
Please cite your source for that "fact", because last I checked our eyes are not like cameras in which individual frames are captured, and then replayed back sequentially at a high enough frame rate that they appear to be moving. This effect is called beta movement. Our eyes are not cameras however. Instead, they track onto objects and receive a continuous flow of photons onto the retina, sending information via a chemical reaction to the brain.

Conflating light a measurment of a specific energry and watts a very different but also specific mearuement of energy...

So many chefs in this kitchen but some are just here for micheals stars... other actually understand how a curcuit works

Haha - the objective popcorn

"Did you contact the salesmens brosures and brosure techs...bro's"- peanuts