I agree with
Sell the 150 keep the fluorescents, as soon as you can put them under the MH (or HPS if budget only allows for one lamp) the better. Buy one 250 HPS and MH if you can. One 250 should get you by with 5 plants.
You can keep the side lighting also, the more light the better. Remember though, the plants absorb almost all of their light nutrients (photosynthesis) from the top of the leaves. Dont try to under light them just side lighting for under the canopy (if your garden gets big enough, no offense, but you will have a small canopy with 5 plants, not much will be shadowed).
I have done a lot, lot, of research in regards to LED lighting and how well it does with growing herb. I went to the extent of purchasing 300 LED's and wired up my own boards similar to the ones you can purchase for a ridiculous amount of money. I built a 250 watt LED board and put it on one test plant with one 1000 watt light to 24 plants. I put a second 1000 in about a month before harvest. Not surprisingly the plant with the board and the neighboring plants did very well, it especially, grew many more shoots faster than the other plants. I used a ratio of 4 red to 1 blue, worked well. I learned that you still have to have the HPS even though your LED's focus of the wave lengths the plant can most absorb red and blue, mostly red, especially when in flower.