Led issue

Ok then. If they respond to my emails I'll get a51 for shure. Thanks. And btw can u tell me a good PH pen, not so expensive, ebay maybe, or some good brands, maybe I can buy local. And for my grow space what size of carbon filter should I use. I also would like a co2 control unit buy I have 0 ideas on the price.
One of "they" is eraserhead. He owns a51 and is posting to the other thread titled "wait for a51?"

I use this Etekcity meter. For the price, I bought 3. Downside, it takes 3-4 weeks to arrive from China. It holds its calibration. I recommend putting some clear packaging tape over the LCD. That's where water can get inside. I've gotten water in it a couple times. It goes bonkers. I let it dry with the cap off and battery compartment removed. After 10 hours or so it's back. You'll need storage solution. I think that's what's helped mine hold calibration and last a year now. It should come with calibration powder which you mix with distilled water. I mixed mine and it came out perfect (compared to some liquid 7.0 I bought).

For your grow space you need to replace the air every 5 minutes. You'll need to calculate your cubic meters, divide by 5 and get a fan and filter for that volume per minute.

Don't know anything about co2.
Ok so I will buy the a51 but PayPal is such a pain in the ass. I must get verified and that will take forever. 2-3 days ... I'm like a kid who buys a cool toy.
So the order for my led is done. I wait for the good guys to ship it to me. :)

Be sure to chime in on this thread when you have something to show: A-51 growers thread. I'm going to post an update soon. I'm in the final stages of drying and will post the weights of each plant. So far, I notice the A51s produced denser buds. .
Well they didn't ship yet ... I wonder when this will happen and how long it will take to get here. Probably a mount oO.
Please leave a link in this post with your thread. Ty!
Please leave a link in this post with your thread. Ty!

Sorry. I forgot to add the link. I was thinking of the A51 Growers Thread. (<<link)

Regarding shipment, I read on the a51 site that they're in the process of moving their inventory to Michigan where product will be shipped. I would try to be extra patient right now. PM me if you get frustrated and I'll try to help.
No, no it's ok. At the moment I got enough shit in my life and I don't want to stress myself about this. How much it takes to wait I will, it's not like I got a choice anyway. I've waited many years just to be able to buy a LED and start with my dream :D I'll try to keep it cool. I started work few days ago, me and my wife, most of the day I am busy, money will come ... well not realy cause my country is a fkin bitch ... me and my wife, together get 500 euros/mounth from witch I must pay 200 euros for rent. And every day I keep saying to myself "dude, think about the people who don't have what to poot on theyr table, if they have one".
Wow nice link, thanks for that.
ps. Sorry about my bad english ;)
Can you tell me what ph up and down should I use or not? I don't know if I can use any of them, what is better what will do damage to my babyes... Thanks!
A little bird told me that a shipment of lights should reach the distribution warehouse in Michigan by the middle of next week and hopefully start shipping later next week.
It came, finaly, after a long process of stress... Damn this country ... Good thing is that I could scam the system. Should have payed 31% of the amount to get the product. 31% from 500 usd ...