LED Kalashnikova Closet Grow (First time)


New Member

The Summer 2013 Kalashnikova LED Closet Grow!

The Setup:
- 42.5" W x 22" D x 8’ H enclosure
- Two minions of the Kalashnikova variety from Green House Seed Co.[link]
- VIPAR A100 100w LED [link]
- 20-20-20 generic water-soluble baby food [link]
- discount big-box store potting mix, perlite/peat/soil

To Do (Advice?):
- Clean grow space (clean the room, dust and mop, then sanitize with bleach)
- Build work table (need to pick up a saw)
- Plan/mount electrical supply
- Plan nutrient regimen …Thinking of gradually easing the dosage of 20-20-20 up through the veg stage and full dose during mid-veg to flower. The 20-20-20 I've got at hand seems to lack calcium, sulphur and magnesium. As for micronutrients, the baby food looks strong. The label doesn't mention cobalt or chlorine, though. I know I can supplement magnesium with Epsom salts, calcium from liquid bone meal...anyone want to give advice on the missing secondary/micros?
- Photograph and document the unboxing and mounting of the LED fixture when it arrives
- Review options for air ionizer purchase (advice?)

Shopping List (feel free to recommend):
- Digital temp/humidity display
- Nutrient reservoir
- Light timer
- pH tester
- Wicks
- Fan(s)
- Ionizer
- Spray bottle
- Saw
- Green bulb for night work

- Seeds are germinated and potted, K#1 showing.
- Light in transit.


Germination period
Seeds soaked for 24hrs + in a glass of water and then were placed into moistened paper towel between two dishes. The dishes containing the seeds were placed on the fridge for warmth for a few days. The paper towel was kept moist until seeds cracked and roots were visible

Seedlings have sprouted and have been planted in the medium and watered lightly as the medium feels moist.

Order placed for Vipar A100 LED light.

I’m concerned that I planted the seeds too deep. I don’t think they were much more than an inch down, but I am eager to see them sprout.
K#1 starting to show at surface of medium.


New Member
5 days since germination. both are reaching up searchin for life lol.

20130423_212621.jpg Got Kali (named her last night ) under a 13w daylight CFL, bout an inch or so close
20130423_212548.jpg Ally is sprouted but hasnt dropped her shell yet . hurry up baby papa wants to see your beautiful face!!

VIPAR a100 has been dispatched


New Member
7 days since germination

20130425_131620.jpg Kali is lookin good so far, pretty crooked since shes leaning over to catch the feeble rays of a 13w daylight CFL..
20130425_131612.jpgAlly was second to pop up and to sprout her leaves. looking good so far I'd say.

VIPAR is at the mail depot because I missed the delivery. by the way they charged me 60$ shipping fee along with a 20 pound initial fee. never mentioned the 60 so im a little rattled, would have been fine if I was aware . might have even changed my mind on which light. anyways things are going smoothly, ive started germinating and planting some tomato plants as well. anyone have experience in growing both together under the same light? any possible problems I should be aware of? I've read they are quite similar but I'd love to hear some input from a person with first hand experience.

to whoever is following along, its not very exciting at the moment but this will all change.
good luck to all growers and happy friday :D


New Member
the VIPAR a100 arrived but the damn plug is from europe. tried to get a voltage adapter but none of the big name stores in my area carry the one I need. Pretty pissed off


New Member
So my genius roommate thought of using a PS3 Power chord instead of the european shit chord it came with. AND IT WORKS. unreal. shit is all set up and il have a pic up soon. :D


New Member
Ally ( K #2 ) is looking droopy. gave her some watered down 20-20-20 water. Kali is looking money. got some tomato babies growing in da back.