LED light intensity

Your only proving my point that you dont have any idea what goes on in other peoples homes and your just trolling and not here to help. Do you even grow or are you some internet pedophile troll who trolls various websites... what is it johnny?
No, I don't grow. I'm just an internet pedophile troll who trolls various websites.

Also, last night I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.
I must say, Sparkygeek was all over the place and didn't even know what light he had.....
I hear ya. I didn't even read the whole thread so i don't know what Sparkygeek was talking about. The point is that for some reason @Johnny Lawrence thinks hes the roll it up police and he's always concerning himself with what lights other people own. WHY? I'm just stickin' up for the people. Especially the poor newbies that he hassles. Sparkygeek isn't the only person he gets into fights with. Weed is suppose to be about peace and love man. not arguing because people grow differently.

I hear ya. I didn't even read the whole thread so i don't know what Sparkygeek was talking about. The point is that for some reason @Johnny Lawrence thinks hes the roll it up police and he's always concerning himself with what lights other people own. WHY? I'm just stickin' up for the people. Especially the poor newbies that he hassles. Sparkygeek isn't the only person he gets into fights with. Weed is suppose to be about peace and love man. not arguing because people grow differently.

You're missing the point, bru. I explained it clearly before.

I tend to call out people who bullshit. I don't go out of my way to do so, but I pick up on it pretty quick when people switch or alter stories, much like you did.

I don't get it. Sorry - I just don't. Be who you are. Quit making shit up. If you're a noob, great! Embrace that shit! But don't try to claim you took apart a blurple and retrofitted it with Vero 18s, when(in another thread, and just a few days prior) you were claiming that you don't understand parts lists from Cobkits, and that you also didn't understand what you were looking at when ODG posted a pic of the internals of a blurple.

If I'm just being an asshole, prove me wrong. Describe in detail the Vero 18 retrofit you just did in the past 10 days to the cheap cob light you owned. driver(s), how you wired it, etc. It should be easy, right?

Let's hear it.
Hurry up and respond @Johnny Lawrence... Let me know when your ready and i'll throw up pictures of my shit, With a newspaper dating today. I'm gonna prove to everybody that you talk out of your ass and jump to your own conclusions. You dug your own whole and now you will be exposed as truly being a TROLL! People like you are are why the word "troll" was invented. Let my know when your ready girlfriend and ill post the proof of how you don't know what ur talking about.... Ill be waiting for you to reply.
Actually, the word troll was invented to describe a mythical creature in Scandinavia, notable for sitting under a bridge and pissing off a few goats. You’re kind of goat-like.
Your so stupid and you think your the grow police. lol get a life. Have you ever heard of soldering and thermal paste. I watched a hack video that a friend recommended(youtube look it up). The light i own was specifically bought to convert. Takes about an hour if your a real man. You act like its hard to take out a few screws and solder a few things. Your not very bright are you? Your digging yourself a hole and you truly have no idea. Your so fake! I don't believe nothing that comes outta your mouth as you've clearly demonstrated that you will talk out of your ass.

And btw, Your missing my WHOLE point. Your always trying to hassle people you know nothing about. you act like my little sister. Get a life. There's more to life than arguing with anybody and everybody. Why do you troll around bullshitting people and telling lies based on shit you don't know. How long have you been this insecure that you have to assume everybody lies. What happened to you as a kid? did daddy not take you fishing so you had to go to dance class with mommy?Maybe mommy lied to you or didn't hug you enuff. so why you so messed up huh? lets hear it? And don't say that its your civlil duty to America to troll roll it up and and talk outta your but.

So...... Lets hear it. Why ur so messed up man? One of your boyfriends must have really done a number on you.... That's right Johnny I know you better then you think!!!!! I see right through your bull shit!
And that is how a girl throws a hissy fit.

Hurry up and respond @Johnny Lawrence... Let me know when your ready and i'll throw up pictures of my shit, With a newspaper dating today. I'm gonna prove to everybody that you talk out of your ass and jump to your own conclusions. You dug your own whole and now you will be exposed as truly being a TROLL! People like you are are why the word "troll" was invented. Let my know when your ready girlfriend and ill post the proof of how you don't know what ur talking about.... Ill be waiting for you to reply.
Go for it, bruh. Why you waiting on me?
Omg! I knew you'd be in denial no matter what. your full of shit. yes they are. you know what I got better shit to do with my day then humor you. don't you have a girlfriend(not counting johnny) to go play with?
Don’t talk about your mother like that. She’s not my girlfriend, she’s just a booty call. :eyesmoke:

You deleted your photos.