Very cool, my favorite subject. I'm very interested in the phase shift and broken symmetries and all. I'm really excited about the LHC and possibility of detecting the Higgs Field.Cosmology to be exact, Yeah Im an old study but no stranger to the parameters of light waves nor the chloroplasts during photosynthesis
lmao Using a 90watt UFO with a 630 red spectrum !! Found the 660 not as good as the 630 and the more i research the more I believe the 6th Gen UFO appear to be better then the older models !! Look at my grow journal and you tell me !! I would think the LED floods would be shit as well !!led is junk. I ran about 13 flood led over 200 watts of led, on 4 plants in a small 1 foot by 2 foot dwc areo that was sitting inside a 15 gallon res bubble they vegged about 7 inches in 4 weeks, when I flipped the they didnt even shoot up but 1 -2 inches, Scrapped it then. Now the foliage was light green and smell was good, soft like velvet. That being said the led could be used as a supplemental, only for spectrum only. Or a project to wast 250$ on lighting that you will prob never use unless you are having a fry party. I used more than twice the led wattage of a ufo or wetf its called, the ufo is supposed to be like a 600 watt metal H or hps. So by there math I was well over 1000 watt equivalent. I got crap, my buddy kept sending me pics of his cfl, and I was getting pissed the fuck off lol, his cheep as cfl lights spanking my cutting edge led, and he was using less watts of cfl then I was of led. He had 2 feet in 2 weeks I had 2 inches (little exaggeration but not much) he was running maby 150-175 tottal cfl I was pushing 220-250 led.
DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY IT IS A FUCKING JOKE I post a few pics when I dig them up they are on a old hdd so dont hold your breath...I will have them posted before your led plants grow an inch.. or sometime this month
ya lmao you are running cfls with the led so you can not even say you are growing led. I grew with only led. And you keep adding cfls the cfls are growing the plants. Look grow one plant under that 90 watt led and one under a 25 watt cfl and i bet dollars to donuts the 5 dollar light out preforms the 200 dollar light,and a 65 watt cfl will spank its ass. lmao again at the claims that this unit is equal to 600 watt HID then why are you adding 12 watt lights to your setup to make the plants grow... btw not dissing you... but... oh ya I led plants looked healthier than yours..and I knew It was shit. Spectrum wasn't the prob, the prob is leds,think hps as the sun and led as the stars,there are a million stars out at night and only one sun. You could have a million leds and never get the growth of one hps or mh. period point blank..400watts is not that much, and by the looks of you adding cfl and heaters you are pulling as you said 380 watts getting 1/100th of the production of one hid. Its not bad to be an innovator. It seemed cool. I tried it. But don't give out false reporting like you are pulling 1/4 or 1/2 lb grows with this 90 watt 200+ dollar paper weightlmao Using a 90watt UFO with a 630 red spectrum !! Found the 660 not as good as the 630 and the more i research the more I believe the 6th Gen UFO appear to be better then the older models !! Look at my grow journal and you tell me !! I would think the LED floods would be shit as well !!
Treeth is correct-but... some folks just cant run an hps(for whatever reason) I get this.Thats why I spent a year messin with these lights.I'm done now, satified with my acquired knowledge on the most popular led unit-the ufo.I'm not talking about the newer high wattage units-with the big-boy diodes.From what I gather the ufo seems to be the most accessible, for cost reasons.Bottom line-a 90w ufo, as Treeth stated will EFFECTIVELY cover about 1-maybe with mylar-2 sq feet.I know this from experience.It will not perform like a 400w hps-it will perform like a 90w ufo...period.To get a decent yield in a 2x2 homebox-I used about 270w of led-with multi-angled light sources.Thats alot of bank people.And as far as not providing ventilation-not the best game plan.Ventilation can be achieved a variety of ways, it just requires a little thought and planning.Trust me guys-this is no magic bullet.It's just another growlight, and a ridiculously over-priced one at that.But thats just coming from a year of screwing with these lights- coupled with about 10 years growing experience.artthug
makes a good point about coverage...
The reason it isn't mentioned much is... Coverage isn't a part of the advertising, disinformation discourse surrounding the available led lights, most notably the ufo.
Because, of course, the light is only good for one square foot, maybe a foot and a half... beyond that is pushing it. If people realized this,
they would see that they are paying 250-400 per foot for lighting, which is ridiculous. So it is ignored.
hooray for the bosons!
dont waste your money-this dosent work-tried it.You need at least 1w diodes-and these need to be attached to proper heat-sinks.I have 50' of led rope if anyones interested in trying this for themselves.If people must use led's. Something to try would be led ropes lights. You wouldn't be able to match the direct 90watt output of a Ufo system. But you could get them in the 630 nm reds which would match the spectrum. You could buy an 18' 8 watt rope for about 25 bucks and literally string it though you plants (like a x-mas tree). The led's are spaced from 1" to 2 apart and should be cool to the touch.
Rope light"d/18ft-rope-light-p-474.html
Im curious enough to try them. I have two identical tomato clones that Im about two flower indoors I will order one and try it as a supplemental light just for shits and giggles. I really doubt it will make much difference. Though, I have way to much free time...
Very good. Yes I needed to add CFL's due to the lack of heat and I'm sure having them on the sides only help my nods explode. I admit that but now the LED reachs all of those nowLook .... not saying LED is better then HPS cause it isn't but I have the extra money and time to test and find out. The LEDS are great and will always be used one way or another. Also who is giving false reporting here ? 1/4 or 1/2 pound .... lmao that wasn't me who said that so lets try to get it right !!
Anyway stay tuned for HPS vs LED as the saga continues.
Everybody figures it out eventually-especially when their looking to score 2 weeks later.It's just not worth your time.ok No fault in experimenting..I did the same ..1/4 or one 1/2 is what you can pull from a 400-600 watt hps is the context I meant...I dare you to pull a zip off that 90 watt by need a heater add a heater...
I say one 24 watt cfl will grow a plant faster and healthier than the 90 by itself. hps vs led lmao no saga no story no nothing stars and the sun bro. I hypothesis that they are not even a good choice for supplemental.
Testing with hps plus led, and hps with the same wattage of cfl, would be a better test to see what is the best for supplemental. But if you drop the cfl in the canopy vertically or in the corners vertical, I don't even see how led in any shape or form can compete as a supplemental option. Cfl outperform prob 10 to 1 and cost less. So... what you have there is a rave light, a cool fish aquarium light. good luck with your future experiments I know I wont stop trying new things. They say in Japan they have a 10 watt led that pumps out 150,000 lumen's, don't quote me on that number, the point is without experiment there is no progress, but don't digg on somebody that did the same shit you are trying to do first, and found out it sucked first.
OMG GET CFL FUCK LED the only thing that would be any cool is a solar powered led grow room. other than that whats the point. look at them plants and then see what people on this sight have done with 300 watts cfl.........go big...or go cfl...or go homebottom line-take control of your plants environment, ventilation is key-without it, you're just wasting your time.And if an ounce or 2 each grow cycle is going to work for you, and you've got money to burn-go for it.But if you're after serious production, or at least enough to keep you personally supplied-get an hps.This whole led thing is a scam.
that was my point- to show that these things just dont cut it.Heres my current 400w hps growOMG GET CFL FUCK LED the only thing that would be any cool is a solar powered led grow room. other than that whats the point. look at them plants and then see what people on this sight have done with 300 watts cfl.........go big...or go cfl...or go home
and why would anyone pay for a "supplemental" light source that costs 5x as much as the main light source?Just dont add all