LED Lights and MJ


Active Member
If there is any experience with LED lights any input would be great. I was wondering if its possible to keep 4 Mommy plants alive and beautiful with LED lights. Dont want them to bud though just to take clones off of. Or is my Idea even possible?:?:


Active Member
Panels are pretty expensive still, they would support your plant but you'd need enough to cover your plant and they can get costly. But if you order lights and your own panel its pretty cheap to DIY. Overall though you'd spend more on LED's than you would sufficient 4'florescent tubes and the energy cost would be relatively the same. LED"s do look pretty cool though add a good visual effect to your plants. I have some seedlings under em right now and they're lovin it.


Active Member
Go to a website called greenpinelane its an led testing site. They dont grow pot but the info on what leds work and how well they work should help you decide.

Dont buy on ebay you will most likely be disappointed and if you find a light not on the website i reccomended looking at the info. If it seems to good to be true it most likely is.

The good leds are expensive and seem to only be better than cfls in the long run when you calculate the life and cost of the light.

The good lights are about 1w per led in the light. The 900 led grow panels that use like 14w will barely sprout a seed when used alone. I saw a guy use like 9 of them in a dome shape and his plants died from a lack of light after a few weeks.

There are also people selling lights that seem good but use the wrong spectrum of light. You can find alot of lights that are called UFO but many are cheap chinese knock offs that wont do much. The best lights out right now are the TI smartlamps you can see on greenpinelane but they cost about 1,400 US.

I have used the led ufo from hidhut and i think its an ok product for veging.
I would go with another light though because they seem to care more about makeing money than createing a good light. If you search hidhut supernova in youtube you can see they brought one to a cannabis cup and have it over a good looking plant but if you listen closely you can hear the guy say the plant wasent grown under that light its just an example. Seems like total BS to me.

The led ufo from hidhut has a grow test on youtube but its wasent done well at all. The guy had the prototype version (less blue light) put the light to close to the top (the protoype has the blue light in the middle so when he put it a few inchs away the top blocked the blues in the center) and didnt bother trying to give the plants any support but he still managed to get more bud per watt than with a 400w hps.

If you get a led dont bother posting till you have used it for awhile or else you will just get posts saying get a 1000w hps leds suck and other random bs from people who have never even used one. Same crap you see on every cfl grow.

Good luck


Active Member
Thanks for the input. The 14 watt DIY kit was the one I was thinking about getting and running those on my clones with 2 T5 cfls like cruzer101; who has a great set up. You think if I run a metal halide on for 6 hours and florescents on for 18 hours is that enough to keep some moms alive in a reflective growtent?


Active Member
i havent read any repsonses im actually on my way out the door, but i just wanted to put in that my friend bought DIY panels and lights, he said it was a pain to hook em up, but he has one panel full of BLUE leds (they were a growing brand 1w led bulb from a plant grow website) and he uses it for vegging his plants, it works very well, but ive seen just as impressive from cfls, MH, and HPS... alot of any lights quality is distance, temp, reflectivity, etc etc that whole bit anyway, hope this helps shed some light on what ya wanna do later!