Led lights?


Well-Known Member
Could ya'll cite some of this?

What has really changed in this marketplace over the past year? Crappy 5mm led lights are still the bulk of what's going on... Are they really acceptable?
i would say the correct spectrum and lens angle. People werent getting 1g per w a year ago but they are now, and a lot of others are getting close to it. Theres a grow with a 63 w panel getting about 60 grams, thats 2 Oz with 63 watts and zero heat, you could grow that 2oz anywhere.


Active Member
Lots of people don't want to bother with hps because of the heat. I don't understand why hps users find it necessary to keep commenting in led threads. We know hps is better in some ways, and horrible in others. It is an educated decision not to use them. If you don't like hps don't use it. If you don't like leds don't use them. I happen to think that leds will be the standard and hps will fall by the wayside, at least for small stealth grows. And that won't take 5 years to happen.
I am not a HPS user Iam a MH user and it was becuse my lighting of choice LED failed me so miserably in the application I was trying to use it in.I had to use an insufficient amount of watts in HPS with the LEDs to finish the grow to get any yield only 1 pound for 60 plants.I should have switched sooner. If it would have worked I would be using them today.I think they would work stationary for less plants .I just think people should see all sides of the subject nothing is perfect and informing people of the limits of equipment is very important. If I would have been told the truth about what I was buying I could have saved the thousands I lost. Do a lot of research on the equipment you will be investing in. LEDs will be suitable for certain styles of growing and not fit others at all. Just as HPS and MH wont fit all needs there is no one light fits all grows otherwise we wouldn't be discussing this .My mistake was in believing 2 300watt LEDs could be used on a light mover like 2 1000watt HPS or MH.I found out different just looking to help others find out information without having to loose money in the proses. Hope this helps someone:-P


Well-Known Member
I had bought 2 300watt pro panels from sunshine systems for $1800.00 when new about a year ago was told they would work on a light mover placed 6in above the canopy put in 1 600watt HPS blew the 2 300watt LEDs out of the water.:wall: sold them for $500 each the guy was going to try them stationary.Dont know how it worked out for him.
Good to know, thanks

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Hi there i have been lookin at these powersaving lights for my indoor garden.. i do not know much about them and i dont know anyone who has ever used this type of light before! does anyone know if they are any good?
would this be just as effective as my 600watt hps?

i dont trust leds
main reason is because of the price
i strongly feel that they are as effective as CFL, i know i'ma catch hell for saying that but to me there is no evidence that supports other wise
i say buy a 150w worth of cfl


Well-Known Member
Even if you want to compare cfl and LED watt for watt cfls still put off more heat. I think watt for watt led is equal to hid within its foot print, which is no where near as wide or deep as hps. Thats why scrog or lst is a must with LED, i dont understand why people grow full plants with them. Just like cfls your are going to have to try a little harder to get the same results. I will be using my 2 panels to cover a 3x2.5 area with individual scrogs. If i can get at least 1/2 lb of my 252w LEDs i will be happy (1g per w)