LED strip gurus around here? Stop by and check out this vertical setup that needs tweaking!!

With modern tech & the brains this generation has.. being innovative and still having imagination is the only thing that sets a lot of ppl back now a days... Kind of let society clone them lol
But yes I believe the only ADVANTAGE to the old school wheel is if you are after yield over quality... We all know vertical ANYTHING will produce the quantity but we all know that the buds grow different.. less appealing in the bag if you get my drift.. this method here will most likely increase efficiency (TBA) less distance from light to canopy.. higher uMol over every inch of canopy.. you can do more vigourous training.. more manipulation...
Lights will be moving very slowly in a circular clockwise motion to hit those angles that fan leafs we're otherwise blocking... Better air circulation.. & it VISUALLY looks better to walk in your garden . I'm that kind of guy lol
yes the wheel sucks for canopy access. However for efficiency it compares directly to a straight vertical with plants surrounding the light.

I agree yours will maximize space compared to a standard grow but your cost will be higher then the volksgarden on the shear fact your buying more lights. And therefore less efficient.

I’m interested to see how it turns out however.

I would make sure the pipes you grow the plants in aren’t to crowded or make sure it’s 6” pipes. Roots can straight up clog everything
Your a dreamer I’ll give you that. And a big dreamer to boot. Interested to see if you actually build this and get a model working. and then do a full grow out of it
At this point, all that is left is for me to start building... Which will be mid APR.. I will create a new thread for that cause I type too many short responses here lol and we are all going to do this thing together guys.. hell if someone ends up liking it, I can duplicate a replica bongsmilie:blsmoke:
More lights = more efficiency btw.. just more upfront cost which hey guys.. we aren't growing carrotts here right lol
The more 1000w you have.. the less you will pull from each... With LED... The LESS light points you have.. the more hot spots you will have & uneven ppf across canopy at close ranges... Etc
According to @Sedan it is possible to achieve 1kg with 350-400watts of 2019 LED tech... Times are changing... Humboldt county got elbows flying for like 500 just because the ease to make it
With HID... More light = less efficiency but LED.. it's a different ball park game in this new age

I appreciate the obvious statement. That’s why I said the Ferris wheel garden will be more efficient.

But whatever. What do I know. Good luck I’ll keep following along and see how this turns out
@Sparky123 you mean there???
If so my system will blow this overpriced baby out the park.. the MAIN reason I am 99% sure this system can hit 3gpw is due to the spinning light allowing me to keep lights like 2-4" away which means 800-900 uMol can be achieved at SUPER low wattage
Ppl were shooting for .8-1gpw & Heath hit 2.24gpw.... these LEDs are like 1.4-1.8 gpw now so I think anywhere from 2.5-3.5 is obtainable depending on strain... More plant training will allow better yield too
No offence but your system is going to be extremely over priced with 9 led lights hanging and add in motors and controls to spin everything. Better start googling slip ring connectors
I'm using @Sedan & @ttystikk grow journals of vertical caging
although their methods work well there are no free lunches, those awesome plants are paid for in long vegging periods.
A tray full of 8" clones put straight to 12/12 can be just as productive on a weight per surface area per day basis, but with less time for complications to creep in.

As long as the output is enough weed to keep you happy until next time, then it was a success.
I do believe this is going to cost a pretty penny when it's all said and done but wouldn't you pay 100,000 if you could take a trip to the future ?? :blsmoke::bigjoint:bongsmilie lol overall you guys are right this is a far fetched dream but I am going to attempt it in a few weeks
I do think most of the community will tune in to see 3gpw lol.. as far as cost this is for a long term operation & all costs will be made within a certain time.. it take money to make money
This isn't geared towards the market though atleast not until you guys see the results lol this is more so for the commercial home grower looking to improve 2000 and 90s ops to a more modern style to help keep up with fast price droppings