LED Strips - thermal tape onto aluminum U channels - tape width? & wire gauge

Maybe I'm fortunate, my local Ace Hardware store sells 600v solid core for 16 cents a foot....
Although, the smallest gauge is 16, but that works for me since I solder everything.....

if your gonna solder you can use silicon wire which usually has very high voltage ratings.
16 gauge is kinda big but will work.
The tape is really good stuff but it was a royal pain in the ass to separate the part of the strip that actually bonded. Getting the tape off the aluminum is not gonna happen with out a wire wheel on an electric grinder. Use the tape if your can get it to bond fully and plan on never removing the strips from the heatsink. Using paste and self drilling screws didn't take much more effort to install.

Haha! @ANC recommened a guitar string to remove it. Seems to work!
Did you prep the backs of the strips with alcohol wipe down prior to taping them down?
Haven't used the tape but it's on the shopping list for next strip build.
Yes, same as the aluminium sheet I mounted them on. Result was I did mistakes and was not able to remove them anymore without damaging the strips or the sheet.

Used this https://www.ebay.com/itm/Double-Sid...hash=item2a80a608a3:m:mTVAamipjVYovArUKBIA_Sw

It‘s so easy to use (and in case you are contructing a panel with an alu sheet it‘s the best option imo), but as someone already said, it‘s not good, if you like to change things later... So for my next build I will stick with an easy alu frame and two screws left and right.
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Make sure to deburr the holes, I had to redo one strip as I forgot about that one.
Only 33 screw holes for each 24B strip, at least I could use thermal compound.