Active Member
cool that u not only go step by step.. but adding pics is just wonderful!!
cool that u not only go step by step.. but adding pics is just wonderful!!
nice dude that's an awesome SCOG you got there
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Now the roots are comming out the bottom of these cubes so it is time for the pots.
I use square 5 inch pots and fill with Hydroton medium. (I was short 2 pots)
Day 14
I had to re-arange them. I put the larger ones on one side and tilted the light.
Hi Ganga,
That was my trestle design. I changed it since then to the current 3 point system.
What I had was the 1/2" water line came up from the pump to an elbow then across the bottom of the tray and plugged at the end.
Basically making it a manifold.
Then I poked holes in it and attached a 1/4" line came up about five inches and attached an inline valve so I could adjust the pressure down to a drip. Then it came up another inch or two and into a tee. That split it between two plants and dripped on the cube.
The problem I found with the design was at the lower pressure if it was tilted just a tiny bit the water would go only to one side. It would work if you didn't attach an inline valve and attached drippers on the ends but I already bought the valves and wanted to use them. Its a good thing I did because with the system I have now the plants grow to be more then twice as big. I use three valves per plant now placing the water exactly where I want it.
Yea, I found most of my drip supplies at the local garden supply center. I would go DWC too but I got this down now and I am afraid I would fuck it up.
Good luck man, Keep an eye on them, you know you can lose them fast in that.
looking good cruzer!
I love how you use that screen to get a good canopy.
My Widow finally came completly down yesterday. Colas dried at 15 grams and lowers went in wet at 27 grams.
What's your timing cycle for flooding the pots?
Its unfortunate about the mites. I hope you got them soon and before they caused any real damage. It seems like where you're growing mites are inevitable. I've heard of growers in Amsterdam having trouble since so many people grow and dont take care of their crops. Mites just spread in that kind of environment, i guess...
Good luck with the super cropping. I'm curious as to how it turns out.
awesome grow, great attention to detail. All in all-thanx, I learned alot from this one- take care