LED/T5 Veg, 400W HPS Flower SCOG Cabinet

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cool that u not only go step by step.. but adding pics is just wonderful!!
Welcome Smokin Lady, I think growing is pretty cool myself and this is how I learned. I followed other journals and It really helped when people made things clear. You know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Now I just got to get a decent camera for close ups.
Starting week 4 flower. I just changed res. we got 820PPM at 5.7 pH
Next week I start cutting back on the nitrogen in the mix.




You know when you grow horizonal like this the side pointing up does the best so I cut the wimpy
shoots that dont make the turn right away. I used to let them grow but Now after doing this a few
times I think its best to make your bend, cut off the leaf thats pointing up and the stem that's pointing
down to get that new growth to shoot straight up like that.


I cut out some fan leaves to get a little more light into the canpoy. I am still encouraging that lower growth.
I am running the little silver fan now, Man that thing rocks.


i see that you set up your own drip watering system, how did you construct that?? i see the main feed line that would attach to the pump, and that splitting into the individual watering lines but i dont see and drippers, did you make holes in the tube or does the pump just turn on for a few mins to flood the cubes the shut off for a few hours?

Day 7

Day 8​


Day 9​


Day 10​


Day 11​


Day 12​


Day 13​


Now the roots are comming out the bottom of these cubes so it is time for the pots.
I use square 5 inch pots and fill with Hydroton medium. (I was short 2 pots)​

Day 14​


I had to re-arange them. I put the larger ones on one side and tilted the light.​
Hi Ganga,

That was my trestle design. I changed it since then to the current 3 point system.
What I had was the 1/2" water line came up from the pump to an elbow then across the bottom of the tray and plugged at the end.
Basically making it a manifold.

Then I poked holes in it and attached a 1/4" line came up about five inches and attached an inline valve so I could adjust the pressure down to a drip. Then it came up another inch or two and into a tee. That split it between two plants and dripped on the cube.

The problem I found with the design was at the lower pressure if it was tilted just a tiny bit the water would go only to one side. It would work if you didn't attach an inline valve and attached drippers on the ends but I already bought the valves and wanted to use them. Its a good thing I did because with the system I have now the plants grow to be more then twice as big. I use three valves per plant now placing the water exactly where I want it.

edit- I just looked them up. They are called 1/4" mini valve. Here is a pic.

Hi Ganga,

That was my trestle design. I changed it since then to the current 3 point system.
What I had was the 1/2" water line came up from the pump to an elbow then across the bottom of the tray and plugged at the end.
Basically making it a manifold.

Then I poked holes in it and attached a 1/4" line came up about five inches and attached an inline valve so I could adjust the pressure down to a drip. Then it came up another inch or two and into a tee. That split it between two plants and dripped on the cube.

The problem I found with the design was at the lower pressure if it was tilted just a tiny bit the water would go only to one side. It would work if you didn't attach an inline valve and attached drippers on the ends but I already bought the valves and wanted to use them. Its a good thing I did because with the system I have now the plants grow to be more then twice as big. I use three valves per plant now placing the water exactly where I want it.

i was wondering how you controlled that, i was thinking of doing a similar setup but i was going to get the valves and put them before my drip rings and have the rings have big holes instead of fucking around with pinholes and such but realised that, yes, if the ring was tilted only one hole would drip...i was looking into buying drippers but my hydro store doesnt have em and online it seems that the companies want you to buy 100 or 1000+ pices per order and i needed 10 lol so i just went with DWC buckets
Yea, I found most of my drip supplies at the local garden supply center. I would go DWC too but I got this down now and I am afraid I would fuck it up.

Good luck man, Keep an eye on them, you know you can lose them fast in that.
Yea, I found most of my drip supplies at the local garden supply center. I would go DWC too but I got this down now and I am afraid I would fuck it up.

Good luck man, Keep an eye on them, you know you can lose them fast in that.

they seem to be happy, even with the ph swaying between 5.5 after i adjust it, and up to 7 after 2-3 days, the temps are fine untill i flower but ill have to do some work to keep the rez cool in a stealth closet grow with a 250 hps
i tend to be very doubtful of everything so i check twice and then again, hopefully it work out good
Starting week 5 flower. Fox Farm nutes at about 75% strength.
PPM 800 pH now at 6.0 temps been around 85d no sign of mites yet.
I am still looking for those critters though.

I took a shot today while the HPS was off. Its a better example of them.
I don't like to do this during the first month of flower but now is cool.


I lost the two center plants in the back, (well one is still there but it is a whimp)


You might notice on the bottom right, I expended one of the drip points to the other side now.
This way I get the roots to follow the water to an area they can grow.

Here's a better shot. I always try and keep the top of the cube and at least one side of hydroton dry.


The white wire is my temperature probe.

looking good cruzer!
I love how you use that screen to get a good canopy.
My Widow finally came completly down yesterday. Colas dried at 15 grams and lowers went in wet at 27 grams.

What's your timing cycle for flooding the pots?
looking good cruzer!
I love how you use that screen to get a good canopy.
My Widow finally came completly down yesterday. Colas dried at 15 grams and lowers went in wet at 27 grams.

What's your timing cycle for flooding the pots?

Those are fat cola's man, right on!

I got them both hooked up to the same timer. 20 min twice a day.
Once when lights go on and once when they go off.
I found spider mites. Yep, happened right about now on the other grows to.
Shot the leaf with Safer's spray the last two nights then tonight with water.

Hope that does it.
I don't have the pest strip this time. I think it made me sick when I used it last.​
What the hell, I am here already, heres a pic.


Oh yea, the kids are 5 super silver haze and three Widow.
They are going to go outside for the summer.


Its unfortunate about the mites. I hope you got them soon and before they caused any real damage. It seems like where you're growing mites are inevitable. I've heard of growers in Amsterdam having trouble since so many people grow and dont take care of their crops. Mites just spread in that kind of environment, i guess...
Good luck with the super cropping. I'm curious as to how it turns out.
:bigjoint:awesome grow, great attention to detail. All in all-thanx, I learned alot from this one- take care


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Cant wait for the warm weather here. Got two full trays ready to be picked through for an outdoor adventure this spring. A RW slab is 98 cubes, thats 186 seedlings going at the moment!!!
Its unfortunate about the mites. I hope you got them soon and before they caused any real damage. It seems like where you're growing mites are inevitable. I've heard of growers in Amsterdam having trouble since so many people grow and dont take care of their crops. Mites just spread in that kind of environment, i guess...
Good luck with the super cropping. I'm curious as to how it turns out.
Yes, It seems the only way to prevent them is to filter the intake better and I do not want the extra noise the larger fan will produce. So I deal with them for the last month of the grow. I think I caught them in time now that I know what to look for. I realize they will be back in 2 weeks but then I spray again and 2 weeks later they will be drying.
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