Led Users Unite!


Active Member
yup, the diodes themselves are totally different than the blackstar each one on the par 38 look like individual tiny circuit boards where the blackstar has led's that look like i have seen in other fixtures. this is my first attempt w/leds so i guess i dont really know but the par 38's definitely didn't look like i expected or perform like i would expect for as bright as they are i know leds cannot be judged for their intensity by looking at them. im just talking about penetration and shading ,they did very well at that. so it makes total sense that they are emitting a different type of light that is not as usable for photosythesis.(similar to trying to use a halogen bulb for growing) while my girls remained very green and did grow a little their growth was, was very stretched, leaf deformation and all in all less overall growth vs. the low output t5's. i could see how maybe the par 38's might be good for clones,since clones don't require that intense of a light. so you could possibly cover an entire 18 gallon aerocloner w/just one par 38,@ only 8 watts of consumed energy, which would be awesome however i am concerned that this differance in light could stunt or worse make my babies go hermi.it would be nice if 660nm would chime back in here he claims to have had some success w/them,and under his advice i bought them. i figure down the line i will try a test of the par 38's vs a compact flourescent for clones only however right now i only have one stinkbud aerocloner and i need every gd. lady i can get.
btw,if you guys have never used stinkbuds aerocloner you are missing out. this thing is the shit.
i will keep u posted
I'm using mine for clones now but I checked them and they are running at the 15w as advertised. I've used mine while waiting for my replacement Kessils in combination with other LED units. The areas that I had them in were doing just as well as the areas covered with a panel. I had mine at 4-5" off the canopy and they kept my ladies happy, no stretching at all. If anything the areas with the par 38s were bushier. I don't understand why yours is only 8w. I ordered a few more as backups since you've ordered yours. I stand by my satisfaction, so if you don't find a use for them I'll take them off your hands. If they are running at only 8w it would at least take two to match the t5s. I noticed once a dimming occurs when an electric heater kicked on, but other than that I don't know why they are running at close to half the wattage of mine.


Active Member
well its been a week now testing the par 38's from led wholesalers.com and i am definitely less than impressed w/ them i figured @8 consumed watts a piece they seemed 2 good 2b true. i have two of them over a 15 inch x 20 inch stinkbud veg. system or a 18 gallon roughneck tote for those of you not familiar. vs 6- 28 watt t'5s over two s/b veg. systems(or 218 gallon totes) the one w/ the par 38's is very lit up however my girls under the t5's are almost double the growth of the par 38's. i am not sure how you could be so happy/w them 660nm. anyone else have any luck w/these? either way i pulled em out and stuck all my little girls back under my t5's and pulled my 5-9 inchers and put them under my new blackstar 240 veg(just arrived 2day)=) i am seriously liking the penetration of this fixture, coverage of this light is about what i expected, and it appears to cover one s/b veg. tote pretty well. i have it around one foot off the canopy and have very little shaded areas. we'll see how the next week goes =-)
Even if they were running at the 15w that mine are running at 2 of them at 15w totaling 30w will never = the light penetration of (3) 28w t5s totaling 84w. Is that the correct number since you have 6 26w over to 2 s/b veg. systems. 16 w total vs 84w, I'm not at all surprised that you are disappointed with the results. If they were operating at the full 15w I would still recommend 3 of them to cover the (3) 28w t5s at 13 less watts a piece. Since you bought them on my recommendation I will be testing mine solo against my own t5s. Like I said if you don't find a use for them I'll take them off your hands.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
no no i have two of the par 38's over one 18 gallon tote and i have a total of 6 -28 watt low output t5's over two 18 gallon totes so yes i definitely have more wattage and i guess it would equal 3 t5's per tote, however thats what i am hoping too eliminate by going to the led's. like i said my girls are lit up very well w/the par 38's and even the light reflecting off the top of the tote is so bright it hurts my eyes.i am not slamming you here or doubting your results. and i appreciate you responding so quickly,as well as your offer to take them off my hands. however im going to keep them around for backups or for lights around my house if nothing else. it is interesting to me that yours pull 15 and mine only 8 tho. ima try and post some pics


Active Member
How close do you have them? With that design they have allot of surface area and run super cool so you can get them pretty close. I recommended 4 for an 18" x 48" area at under 72w (2 kessils) or a 5th for a total 75w instead of 2 kessils, but for whatever reason yours are 8w and mine are15w I have no clue. I know ALL my lights dim when I turn on a 1500w electric heater. When this happens I'm sure it's stealing the power draw from my lights so I don't use anything like that anymore. Priorities! Pretty much just a fridge and a stereo and a laptop. I have tons of hw this week but next week I'll check mine out more and try to figure out what's up. By then the other ones I just ordered will be here and I can check them too. I also picked up some that are11 w so now I'm curious to know their actual draw. [my question is one 46 inch vho t5 bulb uses around 100 watts and a four light fixture is around 300$ where two kessils should cover a 18 inch x 48 inch area for around 72 watts used for about 450$ cost it would seem the kessils are the way to go.spend an extra 150$ up front and use 25% of the power. ] [/QUOTE]

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
right, i have two par 38's over one 15"x21" tote @about 5inches off canopy but like you said they only pull 8 to your 15 i just emailed the distributer, i think i'm going to return them, fuk it for almost 40 dollars apiece they should pull the advertised wattage hell i bought 4 so i'm out 160 buks otherwise =-(
i guess what gets me is that even the girls directly underneath them didnt respond well and like i said previously the entire tote was lit up pretty well anyway i would compare the shade factor to be about the same as my low output t5's and the spectrum is supposed to be better for veg.anyway at least according to the marketing on ledwholsalers website. which is why i guess i thought i would get better results for less wattage consumed.
still can't figure out how to post a pic yet.(i hate computers)


Well-Known Member
Alright, Here is some pic's of Cataract Kush grown under LED. Too vaped out after work to give more then some pics so i'll keep the narrative short. VERY dense nugs. My first LED flowered plants and I can say for sure i have never had ANY HPS plants with buds this dense. But, no HUGE cola's like i usually get. Could be the strain, seems to be labeled on some posts i have seen as a low yielded. I have two distinct and diffrent phenotypes and in the close up in my keith box it is one of each. Enjoy.




Active Member
Watt = Amp x Volt > Amp = Watt/ Volt. My buddy who knows about electronics will be able to tell me right away what's going on. So I think there's ways to push it to the 15w. Based on the results you've had would the actual 15w be getting you closer to the t5s? The website says operating voltage is 90-260 volts so if you are on the lower side of that you would be at a lower wattage. I'd check to make sure that's not the problem.

Al Dente

I've been wanting to try a tiny LED for supplemental lighting so I ordered a couple of the Sunshine Systems full cycle GrowSpots which are 12w each. I'm going to put one of those in my veg tent (2'x2'x4') along with 3-4 daylight CFLs and see if that will do it.


Active Member
Watt = Amp x Volt > Amp = Watt/ Volt. My buddy who knows about electronics will be able to tell me right away what's going on. So I think there's ways to push it to the 15w. Based on the results you've had would the actual 15w be getting you closer to the t5s? The website says operating voltage is 90-260 volts so if you are on the lower side of that you would be at a lower wattage. I'd check to make sure that's not the problem.
dad says operating range from 90-260 means it will accept any of those voltages and adjust the output amperage to keep consistent power draw

he then took my laptop to a killawatt and a 120v and 240v outlet

pulled the same watts per hour


Well-Known Member
dad says operating range from 90-260 means it will accept any of those voltages and adjust the output amperage to keep consistent power draw

he then took my laptop to a killawatt and a 120v and 240v outlet

pulled the same watts per hour
Yeah it seems a bunch of LED companies let your lights do this now


So if anyone has read the last few comments in this thread they would have seen me trying to defend HID lighting systems, after a brief discussion with a few guys on here about the blackstar LED ight im pretty determined to start a LED grow myself. What my question is, is what type of set up should i look at for a small grow cabinet consisting of two plants??
1 Blackstar 240W would crush that size of a grow, no side or any sup lighting needed.

benjamin alexander

Active Member
i was tossing up between the blackstar 240 and the small progrow from hydrponics hut, any opinions on these? will be for a 'growboy' stealth drawer set up doin autos for now...
also a any info on the 50 watt plasma globes from hydrponics hut?


Active Member
i was tossing up between the blackstar 240 and the small progrow from hydrponics hut, any opinions on these? will be for a 'growboy' stealth drawer set up doin autos for now...
also a any info on the 50 watt plasma globes from hydrponics hut?
yea i have one and its garbage i get better results with t5