Led Users Unite!

Just got my led ufo this will be my first concealed grow ever so for a medium I want to use my old friend soil problem is no one uses soil anymore does any one have any tips
Just got my led ufo this will be my first concealed grow ever so for a medium I want to use my old friend soil problem is no one uses soil anymore does any one have any tips

I use LED's and I prefer to grow in soil too.
If you go back a page and look at my recent bud pics, that crop is being grown with Fox Farms Happy Frog in Air Pots.
I've used Fox Farm's Oceans Forest in the past, but it has too much water retention and Nitrogen for an indoor medium under LED's.
Happy Frog, in conjunction with the Air Pots, lets the soil dry out on a near daily basis which is beneficial for your plants.
An HPS creates enough heat to help evaporation take place, LED's do not, so we need to find alternate methods to help it along.
That's where the Air Pots come in, if you're not sure what I'm talking about, follow the link:
The holes in the side of the container let the soil breath, encourages evaporation, and prunes the root, all in one.
Pruning the roots is also beneficial, as a root bound plant is an unhappy plant.
I hope that helps, good luck.
soil + airpots + LED here as well

i happen to use Roots soil though .... but it's all relative, as long as it's solid in it's components
Plenty of people use soil. Look in the organics forum for Subcool's old school organics subforum and follow the recipe for super soil except add extra epsom salt for mg and something else for extra calcium (i'm using crab shell meal) and have a supplement for calcium & magnesium (primarily magnesium) on hand as LEDs often induce mg deficiency. My plants in supersoil have had the least amount of problems. I'm an airpot user myself :)
ok guys help make my final pick for my new light, i've got a smaller cabinet with a blackstar 4 spot chrome now, but need another similar sized light so top pick in order i'm leaning

1. california lightworks solarflare
2. kessil h350 magenta
3. blackstar chrome 4spot
4. advance led diamond series 100

all prices are all close so i just need to make final decision this week. only reason advance is lower on list is shape... long & skinny think it wouldn't pair with my square bs chrome as well as others
your bs chrome is rocking dude, so i'd consider just building a custom apollo 4 or maybe upgrading even to apollo 6 or 8 spot (depending on your size/coverage requirements) for the same price/lower price as those other panels on your list...

also I mean the solar flare is $450 compared to the ~$300 range of the other panels on your list...

that's just my 2c
I'm bored, so here are some recent bud shots from my flowering tent.

Pineapple Express (Week 6)



Sour Cream (Week 6)


sweet ass pics BK =D
I'll let you know if I get a hold of anyone there for sure. I'm looking at the 420 unit.


Ah, that's because I already own 2 panels from them (Diamond series) and love 'em. just wanting to see what else is out there.

I must be on the right track--I've whittled my list down to the Diamonds and Inda-Grow.

Since coming back from Asia in the 70s with raging auto-immune disease (agent orange, anybody?), I've counted on da kine to keep all systems copacetic, with a simple method--crack seeds from superior bags, top and clone, sex the clones and then guerrilla garden. Just need to supply me, and don't need commerce. I've always hiked and kayaked back country, so that worked great. But now I'm into my 7th decade, with lots of back problems/surgeries, and sneakin' around in the woods is harder than it used to be.

I'm moving into an old Victorian that was a single family house, then converted to two apartments, now back to single family, and it's full of nooks and crannies, blind hallways...lost rooms...forgotten stairwell... :)...so I'm looking into lights for spaces ranging from closet-size to small room. Inda-Grow's tech just makes sense, as does the Advanced Diamonds--seems the only harsh words for Diamonds come from people who don't have 'em...

Anyway, hope you hear good things from Inda-Grow. If you have any other light advice for small to medium spaces, I'd be much obliged.
Has anyone dealt with any newer companies like Busy Bee? Just curious....and looking for an LED set up.

stay way from these type of sites man ....... they also sell high heeled shoes ....... that says alot and all that other crap , not to mention the panels look cheaply made be wearyyyy be very wearrry of sites like this man seriously.
Looks like shit got real..........sunpulse is entering the led game.
Hmmm all white LEDs. Am I the only one thinking that the only reason panel makers use red is that red LEDs are way cheaper and run cooler? Anyone know a price? Something tells me it ain't cheap. And it spins???? I can see me getting slammed in the head all day long with that feature :). Please, for the love of God and my bank account, someone invent a time machine and tell me who wins!
Hmmm all white LEDs. Am I the only one thinking that the only reason panel makers use red is that red LEDs are way cheaper and run cooler? Anyone know a price? Something tells me it ain't cheap. And it spins???? I can see me getting slammed in the head all day long with that feature :). Please, for the love of God and my bank account, someone invent a time machine and tell me who wins!
I have a full white spectrum led and yea your right there more expensive and draw more power as well but the results speak for themselves so far! About to harvest from a 900 watter I'll let you know
Cool Dhead, I'm very interested in all white LED grows. I priced some 120x1 watt white LEDs from Led Star that I was going to use for vegging and the price was ridiculou$! Something like $140.00 each before shipping. And that was the price if I bought 4! Crazy. Thanks again and I'll be watching out for you.
I too am interested in white led grows. Wish you could post some pics dhead! I'm seriously thinking about picking up the apachetech at120wr at their 3:2 ratio. I spoke with someone from apachetech and he told me they are recommending the white and red combo over the red and blue. These guys came off as very professional, as educators, and as innovators. He talked about their partnership with nasa and how their scientists and engineers helped apachetech design their lights for max efficiency. We talked for about 15 mins, and he answered all my questions. These guys are now number 1 on my list. Next up, california lightworks.