Led Users Unite!


Well-Known Member
:-Pah right you were talking about real evo v3 of course! No mine it's not evo v4, not designed by the Chinese...... I MADE IT! I've named it MEvo just for fun and because I was inspired by Evo for the long heatsink design! I do not intend to compete with Evo at all, it's just a diy project and not on sale just to be clear with Evo people! Yes it is entirely Osram LEDs, I will get more into that I might open a thread!
Damn Jubiare didn't know you had it in you(DIY)........Mevo.. catchy name, i'm sure they won't sue you:).....you better open up a thread/id be interested to see your panel perform......good luck/happygrowing


Active Member
Thank you guys for your positive vibe and interest! I might be bound to open a thread than! I have one up and running on an other board already... but was already thinking of RIU too!


Well-Known Member
^^^^Yeah definitely a lot of inspirational posts here and in the Led/Other forum. I really like the idea of DIY, and hopefully we'll see a sticky or two about making your own panel. Personally I would love to see a smaller, more modular design for spectrum tweaking/experimenting. It would be even better if they could be daisy-chained so people could start small and add on to support bigger grows. Unfortunately I wont be joining the revolution just yet. Had a little accident :oops: with my original 5x60, which is now a 5x40, (the jury is still out about the damage though), and headed for the veg cab to replace my CFLs. Should work great there since it produced a real leafy canopy for my SoG. So since the tent and grow was setup for 5x60 and 2xBS240s, I just went for another 5x60. The spectrum has been setup to let the Blackstars handle the 630nm spectrum, which the BS's have too much of IMHO, and hopefully this setup will provide a better finish to flowering. Oh and I'll probably be dumping in 2 T8 Reptibulbs for some UVB lovin later on:

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Everything's set at 90°, except the 730s , which are running at 120°. I wanted a bit more white but extra heat and cost killed that.

I noticed they upgraded the case, definitely a more solid feeling case than my last 5x60 and a little quieter too. So after a few days, if the 5x60 doesn't go all "Spectra-cidal" on my plants, I'll take the glass off and see if they've changed the design/cooling.

And of course, Happy Growing to all you Revolutionaries out there
I am on the fence right now, almost about to pull the trigger on a LED panel, but am so confused right now! Can some one please assist in which LED panels have worked for them and are from the US and reliable or at least good replacement procedures?

For flowering i will be growing in a 6x6 area, and will have a small space set aside for a mother and about 20 clones. I was looking at getting 3, Blackstar 240W to start out with in a smaller area to test the environment.


Active Member
I know I'll probably get flamed for recommending such a high priced unit, but I use a Lumigrow 330ES. It's made in the US, has a 5 year warranty, and they just got picked up to be distributed by hydrofarm, so its backed by a major player in the horticulture industry. Also, what I found interesting while talking to Rob, their sales rep, is when I asked about the true wattage of the unit, I was told that each diode is being driven at 5 watts, which is its peak. I suppose this is possible because it has some pretty big heat sinks in there keeping the LEDs from frying. I know a lot of other lights can provide equal results at probably 1/4 of the cost but I like to support US companies, the warranty is excellent, and the hydro shop gave me a good deal on it.


Well-Known Member
Is it actually MADE in the US or just made to order for a US company (like many are)? Sounds good... unfortunately for those of us who aren't selling it or rich not really economically feasible :)


Active Member
Is it actually MADE in the US or just made to order for a US company (like many are)? Sounds good... unfortunately for those of us who aren't selling it or rich not really economically feasible :)
According to the website they are made in the USA. California, I think. It wasn't economically feasible for me either but I had just sold my drums to buy grow equipment and figured what the hell. I wouldn't have spent that much on a light if I wasn't so impressed with the results in the hydro shop though


Active Member
i would love to see a lumigrow grow. i also have heard good things about lumis but not many journals on them...let us know how they work


Active Member
i would love to see a lumigrow grow. i also have heard good things about lumis but not many journals on them...let us know how they work
I'm starting a grow right now, I just haven't posted a link to it because the seedlings are only a week old and just came out of the soil about 3 days ago. Give me another week so theres something to take a picture of. Now that you mention it, I don't know if i've ever seen a lumigrow journal myself but i do love the light


Well-Known Member
i would love to see a lumigrow grow. i also have heard good things about lumis but not many journals on them...let us know how they work
I think a ton of folks are going to be interested in a Lumi cannabis journal, including Lumigrow :). Go for it OKComp!


Active Member
i saw one journal however, the grower fried his plants with bushmaster in flower and never seen or heard from since. part of the problem with the net is there is plenty of people with lots of money to spend on high tech toys and no growing skillz so we get alot of bits and pieces. i am a huge advocate of led lights. i have used hydrogrow, kessil, grow goddess, glh spectra, advanced diamond series, and even inda grow induction lights and to date nothing can beat my 1000 watt hps set up watt for watt. i love the quality of leds and the lower heat footprint they offer. i use leds because i cant add anymore hps to my room. im tapped out with my heat index so leds keep my room tweaked for output. leds are constantly improving and i truly believe leds will overtake a 1000 watt hps but it hasnt happened for me yet. maybe the lumi grows will prove otherwise


Active Member
I've seen a bunch of journals where the crop was ruined by bushmaster. I'm going to stay away from that stuff. One main difference between most LED units i've seen and the lumigrow was that it was driving the diodes at a higher rate than others. When I emailed to ask what the true output was they told me it was 58 diodes driven at 5 watts each (totalling 290 watts), the rest is fans and a little is lost in the ac/dc conversion. It stays real cool though, I guess that has to do with those enormous heat sinks in there


Active Member
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My latest LED plant... I'm betting she is going to be over 4oz dried (other one was 3oz and not as dense or big as this)

Apollo 13 from seed in airpots, 69 days in supersoil (organic), vegged 1.5 months, multiple 240w Blackstars
are they airy? I like the results of my BS I have a couple with pro mix going now but my HP aero ones were super dense! I think leds do better with aero or hydro so far in my experience


Well-Known Member
The first apollo I harvested was a bit airy... I'm thinking I took it too soon and should've waited til when I took this one. This one has density comparable to HPS even to the lower buds -- let it go a week and a half longer, but could also be pheno. My OG Kush was very dense and so is its sister in flower. White Russian feels pretty dense as well but won't know for sure til harvest. So I had one airy bud plant but the tops weren't too airy just the lower buds. I actually kind of like the airy buds though you basically get a similar effect to grinding without grinding -- i'm not sure why people don't like'm -- only real issue I can see is they take up more space than needed :) on my latest plant i had so many dense buds if you notice i didn't even trim the lower buds i'm turning all the buds that look like they'll shrink up to less than the size of a good bowl into bubble hash. The LEDs combined with super soil to maintain the leaves gives you a lot of great bubble trim... great thing for bubble hash, bad thing for making your trimming take for fucking ever. I was worried about LEDs and airy buds -- not anymore. IMO the airy bud/density issue is a combination of genetics (the natural density of a pheno) combined with proper grow environment. if you're getting airy buds you are screwing up or growing a plant that's genetically disposed to light density buds. or you're expecting one light to grow a ton of plants... I don't blame the LEDs for the one airy plant I got. I blame me for not letting it go longer and maybe messing something else up... or it's just an off pheno with big but airy buds. it's definitely not the lighting or the other plants couldn't be coming out fine.