Led Users Unite!

ill take this one viagro lol alright thise is what you need to do im running the same size tent. Make yourself a carbon filter for under 20 bucks i used a 4 inch duct a reducer to 2 inch and a pvc pipe with a cap on one end and some screen. pvc goes inside the duct on the reducer drill holes in the pvc all the way around cap the other side. fill the duct with carbon and cap the duct with a screen. Diy carbon filter 101. I also bought this fan http://www.amazon.com/Rule-240-Mari...&s=sporting-goods&qid=1294598633&sr=8-2-spell

this connector to plug it in http://www.amazon.com/Schumacher-12...F8&s=automotive&qid=1294598676&sr=8-1-catcorr

then i built a silencer for the other side since my cab has to be basically one hundred percent silent however well ventilated so i can get good c02 from the outside air and ventilate the small amount of heat that builds up with humidity as well. Plus no smell when budding. All that stuff will run you under 60 bucks or so. Way cheaper than anything you can buy at the store or on ebay. Plus not only that but that fan pumps out 80-90 more cfm than ANY other 4 inch inline fan available.

long story short way overkill for a 6inch fan for your setup use that 4inch and its still overkill and way cheaper

im wondering myself if i should get away with a 4" fan with a carbon filter for my 3x3 grow tent that I'm thinking of getting once i put a 240w led unit in there or should i just pay the dough for the 6" model and use a fan controller to turn it down a notch for noise sake.
Hey Kapt- Are you using a fan speed controller on your bilge blower? Is that even possible since it's DC transformed?

I noticed that Rule also makes 3" blowers. I'm considering that, to cut back a bit on the overkill.

Wish you had pics of your DIY vent setup. But I think I follow your description.
i can draw up a diagram and take a pic for ya if you like its real simple what you want the pic of the filter or you want the muffler very similar in design you will see the one small difference in the drawing. Yeah you could mount a speed control if you wanted just gotta make sure you put it on the right side of the power converter. Ok got a diagram drawn, the only difference between the muffler and the filter is that there is NO end cap on the PVC pipe and it is WRAPPED in muffler packing like you would use to repack a dirt bike muffler. Im sure cotton balls or some other form of insulation or filling would work for damping the sound. Here are the pics of what i drew sorry for the crudeness but i think it gets the point across enough for you to adapt it to your purposes.

hope this helps shit is so quiet if i didnt have to have a 100% 0db limit goin on lol i would be fine with it. I had to go as far as putting it on a timer right now til i can get a temp sensor to kick it on when its absolutely neccesary for heat and venting.


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Viagro--Thanks I will check out those Kessils for sure
Kush Groove--Where did you find those Gonzo odor controller thingies?
Yes but this is my first attempt so I am trying to make adjustments as I go. The advice here has been great. I just wish it was a bit easier for me but I will take what I can get. Seemed very strange that the rumors of the Black Star panel throwing them into flower early is in my view a bit on the misleading side of reality in my case. I am just following the GH growth chart and adding some black strap every other feeding/ I drained the reservoir down this morning and made the adjustments for the week 6 schedule and gave them some more black strap this afternoon will tell what effects this has done. Seems that all the pro's on this site are called pro's for a reason with all the nice buds shown, I just thought these would finish in early Feb but it looks like mid March maybe if things don't start to happen quick. Not to sure but I actully decided to try a rolled one from the fan leaves and besides the green taste it put a serious buzz on. although it only seemed to last a hour or so.
ah premi smoke =), 4 inch fan is more than enough for me you must be somplace hot as hell it never gets over 78* in my booth and i NEVER have run my fan yet.
Anyone in the UK bought a kessil? if so, where did you get it from?

UK folks can buy from US vendors that ship worldwide. I know Greners does, and maybe the place that's selling them for $206 (edit: Nope, just checked).

Prices are usually much better here, even with shipping.
just picked up my 40w wide base induction bulb in 6500k shippin from colorodo to cali today so soon we shall see what it does check out my mini grow in my sig where im testing this light soon
just picked up my 40w wide base induction bulb in 6500k shippin from colorodo to cali today so soon we shall see what it does check out my mini grow in my sig where im testing this light soon

Make sure you use a surge protector, and don't let it get too warm. I burnt out my dual band light like that by not having it on a timer for occasional cool down periods. I had it in an overhead fixture, so it could've been a surge, but someone was warning about vulnerability to heat. I'm going to try 15 minutes off every couple of hours, I think.
i will be keeping an eye on the base temps if it gets hot right there yeah i may have to have it kick off once in a while i hope not that would be some weird shit im not trying to do anything but 18/6. I've got a worklight that i disassebled the handle on and taped up so now its just a socket on an extension cord. Using that hanging inside the desk, you picked up one of those dual bands for 120 off that hydro site or what? I decided i only needed it for veg since that is really what the box is for. Did you notice your bulb gettin hot? How hot hotter than the CFLs?
would love to see the results of plants flowered with led,s i hear only bad stuff, i am hardened hps user, but very interested to see results...peace!
Theres plenty of links to results in this thread its too bad i cant get pics of my led setup right now in its current state it would really change a lot of minds about LED tech my partner is fuckin drivin me nuts though. Little fucker wont let me take pics of my 1500 dollar setup cuz i have to keep it at his pad the little fuck lol. Its ok though i know where hes comin from but its frustrating because i know i could show it to someone who has been using a 400w hps and they would just shit their pants and never go back to HID again.
Theres plenty of links to results in this thread its too bad i cant get pics of my led setup right now in its current state it would really change a lot of minds about LED tech my partner is fuckin drivin me nuts though. Little fucker wont let me take pics of my 1500 dollar setup cuz i have to keep it at his pad the little fuck lol. Its ok though i know where hes comin from but its frustrating because i know i could show it to someone who has been using a 400w hps and they would just shit their pants and never go back to HID again.

im not here to insult or argue any corner i use what works for me , just all i have heard is ppl selling them bigging them up , i would love to save on power and be more eco friendly, everyone i know who has tried them has failed ?
im not here to insult or argue any corner i use what works for me , just all i have heard is ppl selling them bigging them up , i would love to save on power and be more eco friendly, everyone i know who has tried them has failed ?

Have a look at SwiftGrow's Journal, or ChronicDoom's. there's plenty of others.

Search a little, then say what you think.