Led definitely has its place in the Grow room. However i think that the Led has much more work to be done before its competitive.
They still dont Bin the LED to accurately measure EVERY LED. thats concerning as we dont have any idea how/IF the led will perform when its assembled.
Led still dont come in enough colors to be truly effective as they have a limited NM range.plants obviously need a larger range of light than led (at the moment) can provide.
LED IS getting better, and the prices ARE coming down. However plasma tech is coming down faster and the prices to manufacture Plasma are OLD technology.
a magnetron, ballast and a gas bulb = plasma
Plasma is also VERY efficient and produces the best(most equivilant to sunlight) and most light of ANY solution $/$
Will led become the next lighting technology...sure for low energy projects.. Now i know there are 25W-100W single diode led's out there but 300$ each is stretching my wallet too thin
Sure we can add more diodes to a board but if they get too close they WILL fail due to heat.

.. Still a major concern to microelectronics...
LED/Oled is the future and will be bringing us sensor glass and see through televisions... but may loose in the longrun to a plasma based bulb.