glad you won the battle with those roots munching fuckers.
whatd you end up doing to beat them? iv heard a layer of sand on top of soil will make it impossible for larva to hatch. i forget if ur hydro or soil

real stoned
you right bout the frost!!!! dammmm thats beautiful
Thanks, I'm doing soil.
The sand and perlite on top does not work. I tried a neem drench and a gognats drench. None of those worked. Pure spray green only killed the flyers (even though it works great for mites).
I was going to try predatory nematodes but if its too cold or too hot, they die off. What worked was the cheapest of all. Mosquito dunks from home depot. It has bacillus thuringlenis in which kills off all larva. I soaked a dunk in a bucket of water for a day and crumbled up and sprinkled the dunks over the soil and then watered them. By the next day they were gone.
drying out soil does not work and neither does H202 (peroxide). the larva can go dormant when soil dries out then wake up when its wet again.
also i found sticky traps are pointless. just take a bowl of water with a little liquid soap and all the flyers will go to it and die. they are searching for moisture and like the smell of soap. if it fills up with dead gnats in one day , you have a gnat problem. as the gnats die off you will see less and less in the bowl. also change out the bowl of water everyday,