LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

I just use Coco plugs so I can plant then straight in the soil after roots form I'll be able to clone now once my autos get done in the next few weeks I'm going to clone my moms that are vvegging

I still gotta findout where I'm gonna flower I'm running out of space in the house

Damn I need to move away from the city
Hello again peeps im trying to keep up with the thread reading back posts. Undercover hello! Everyone I have an announcement!
I am tired of seeing everyone here not being able to grow to their potential due to limitation in the T5 bulb Tech.
So in order to help out heres what I have done.
First my grow has been cancelled and heres why.
I have taken several thousand dollars of my own cash and put it aside for the following project.

I have been busy with a private contract to manufacture bulbs just for The T5 enthusiasts community!! MADE IN USA!!

Problem is I need preorders in order to meet my quota 500-1000 bulbs.
Anyone remember that "Fiji Purple" graph which has been now cast aside as false?
I have reached a manufacturer that will produce this and a far red bulb just for me!
These bulbs will be a secret formula and I will be patenting the formula and production process to protect my investment!
The two main bulbs will be

Amazon Purple 420-451nm & 660nm
Red Devil 630-700nm ONLY* These will be the most expensive as the phosphors required are EXTREMELY $$$
Everest Blue a true FULL spectrum/multiphosphor bulb with that includes UV and FAR RED

I have set up an Escrow dot com account for those interested please PM me I will send you more information.

Escrow dot com accepts paypal amex visa etc... this way all parties are covered incase something happens the monies will be returned.
I will be providing a pricing "estimate" through EBAY again PM me and I will send you to my store!

Once everyone purchases the required minimum order I will package and reship the bulbs upon arrival, all purchases will be covered by Ebay and escrow dot com. AGAIN If your interested PM me and I wil send you more information on what you will be purchasing.
Hello again peeps im trying to keep up with the thread reading back posts. Undercover hello! Everyone I have an announcement!
I am tired of seeing everyone here not being able to grow to their potential due to limitation in the T5 bulb Tech.
So in order to help out heres what I have done.
First my grow has been cancelled and heres why.
I have taken several thousand dollars of my own cash and put it aside for the following project.

I have been busy with a private contract to manufacture bulbs just for The T5 enthusiasts community!! MADE IN USA!!

Problem is I need preorders in order to meet my quota 500-1000 bulbs.
Anyone remember that "Fiji Purple" graph which has been now cast aside as false?
I have reached a manufacturer that will produce this and a far red bulb just for me!
These bulbs will be a secret formula and I will be patenting the formula and production process to protect my investment!
The two main bulbs will be

Amazon Purple 420-451nm & 660nm
Red Devil 630-700nm ONLY* These will be the most expensive as the phosphors required are EXTREMELY $$$
Everest Blue a true FULL spectrum/multiphosphor bulb with that includes UV and FAR RED

I have set up an Escrow dot com account for those interested please PM me I will send you more information.

Escrow dot com accepts paypal amex visa etc... this way all parties are covered incase something happens the monies will be returned.
I will be providing a pricing "estimate" through EBAY again PM me and I will send you to my store!

Once everyone purchases the required minimum order I will package and reship the bulbs upon arrival, all purchases will be covered by Ebay and escrow dot com. AGAIN If your interested PM me and I wil send you more information on what you will be purchasing.

Holy Shit!! I totally called this earlier today. Welcome back Prof.
I net if we all stuck togather we could atleast get a realy good 660nm bulb

According to Jeff at UVL, once he pulls the trigger 5-7 weeks. I copied him the verbal commitments which is ~ 1/2 what he needs. Hopefully, he sees the benefit of going forward ASAP.

(EDIT) So now I see Prof has a bulb thing going. Awesome! Not that it's a him or me thing, but in fairness to UVL, I need to know which direction you guys who verbally committed to UVL 660s want to go now. UVL's 660 minimum is 288 bulbs. Seems like we could pull that off a lot faster than 500-1000, no?
With great collective spending power, comes great new bulbs!

Sort of. In the case with UVL, horticulture hasn't been their focus, but I think I really opened his eyes when I gave him a brief tutorial of our needs. I think any company is looking for ways to keep the bottom line healthy, and WE present a whole new, relatively untapped market
Learned a valuable lesson about LST today... Romulan is not as sturdy as GDP, the stem can break accordingly. In other news, got 5 new Romulan's clone-ifying. All the new lighting isn't due until tuesday though. Life is cruel. :(

Fear not. Just support the stems above the snap and they will grow fine.
BTW guys I got those 15w spotlight 660nms and they're so weak I can barely see any shift at all under the T5 lighting competition... would need like 8 of these to come anywhere near having a relevant effect on the red blue ratio. Back they go.

Let's get those 660nm bulbs goin... :D
I'm still in for 4 bulbs. OK?? I will still probably through some money the professors way to.
This could be a ground floor opportunity.

According to Jeff at UVL, once he pulls the trigger 5-7 weeks. I copied him the verbal commitments which is ~ 1/2 what he needs. Hopefully, he sees the benefit of going forward ASAP.

(EDIT) So now I see Prof has a bulb thing going. Awesome! Not that it's a him or me thing, but in fairness to UVL, I need to know which direction you guys who verbally committed to UVL 660s want to go now. UVL's 660 minimum is 288 bulbs. Seems like we could pull that off a lot faster than 500-1000, no?

288 is certainly going to be a lot easier to obtain than 500. Do we have anyway of knowing what the spectrum of these 660 bulbs will look like?
Is 660 going to be the only peak?
Sort of. In the case with UVL, horticulture hasn't been their focus, but I think I really opened his eyes when I gave him a brief tutorial of our needs. I think any company is looking for ways to keep the bottom line healthy, and WE present a whole new, relatively untapped market
We're the perfect market too, all but throwing our money at them like this. One question though, I see UVL is based in the US, but do they make their bulbs here?
Forget the 630nm spectrum. There is plenty of it in all the other T5 bulbs including cheapo bloom bulbs. Anyway the correct proportions for 630nm to 660nm is 25%/75%.

That means 25% 630 and 75% 660nm. What we need is a 660nm ONLY bulb! I'm sure the red phosphor used to make the 660nm spectrum would emit enough of the 630nm spectrum anyway.

I'm really glad that people are starting to see the light and are taking the initiative to make this happen for all of us. If I knew some folk in the lighting industry I would have been on this a long time ago. It will be so nice to turn these precious watts into actual super effective growing power! It's not done yet though. No one knows if a 660nm red phosphor bulb will even work. I like the idea of protecting the customer through ebay while keeping their confidential information private. It would be nice to include everyone that has contributed to the birth of the idea in the profits somehow if this 660nm bulb idea gets huge. Prof, have you considered any kind of stock investment type of opportunity yet? This would produce the funds to get things going. I think it's a lot more expensive than people realize, getting a new product going. Lots of testing, re-testing, etc. The "right" formula needs to be unveiled to make a worthy product. If 2 or even 3 companies started to produce these 660nm only bulbs, I see it as a good thing. Competition creates evolution in product and also makes the price go down. Keep up the good work everyone and lets keep this ball rolling! Better yet, let's makes these bulb companies aware of each other ahead of time and maybe we can get UVL or "profs company" to get the ball rolling even faster.
According to Jeff at UVL, once he pulls the trigger 5-7 weeks. I copied him the verbal commitments which is ~ 1/2 what he needs. Hopefully, he sees the benefit of going forward ASAP.

(EDIT) So now I see Prof has a bulb thing going. Awesome! Not that it's a him or me thing, but in fairness to UVL, I need to know which direction you guys who verbally committed to UVL 660s want to go now. UVL's 660 minimum is 288 bulbs. Seems like we could pull that off a lot faster than 500-1000, no?

I would see uvl getting the required 288 faster than the prof can get 500

I do realy like the bulb choices the prof has tho they seem to be rite were we want them to be

Also I was looking around Lastnite and was wondering about these
Ati - purple plus
Ati - pro color

Has anyone here used these bulbs they are German made but can we use them in our fixtures if they are as good as the spd says they are (haven't seen one but the ones on the site and google ) does nebody have any information on these
With all due respect to Pr0f and his new project, I would still probably go forward towards the UVL goal just because it'd be considerably easier to get to 288 just with this thread's users...? Would be interested in putting in towards pr0f's as well.

At this point neither avenue has hashed out pricing for a 660nm bulb... and neither can quote a time frame for any sort of deliverability... so as a consumer, I have to say, wherever I can put my money that will get me 660nm bulbs the soonest, is where I want to put my money... but I would also be interested in helping get a new business off the ground if possible, so I'd probably put some money into both avenues.

Tentatively, if pricing is reasonable, I'd be willing to put in for 10-20 660nm bulbs towards whichever order can put bulbs in my hands first, though.
I thought the pro color was discontinued?
Well I was looking around and the page was saying something like it's a new pro color bulb and it didn't specify if it was discontinued or not the page says out of stock but I'm interested to know if they are discontinued or if they are going to put out more

I'm with altar tho
I would like to help a buisness get off the ground and help someone out but st the same time I would rather go with the buisness that would put the bulbs in my hands faster
I don't exactly have money to be throwing around but I would go with the prof bulb line because they seem to be at the rite spikes in nm and he is trying to make a whole line for us to use
Pro-colors are discontinued but are still available in existing stock in 2ft . compare them to roseates tho :) I posted SPDs for both in that long club T5 thread with links posted here earlier